Android 15 has broken Home Assistant app or HA not updated to A15


I was able to enter (basically is that I did not even see the login screen).

SOLUTION: After uninstalling the app, clean absolutely everything with SD Maid (with root permission or Shizuku without root), and reboot the phone again, install now the app, I’m come in! If anyone have the same problem, try too pass to light mode instead of dark mode on phones, in pixel phons the new modes to high contrast, maybe (I try this but in my case not is the problem) cause some bugs (Google say this when put the high contrast mode).



Last night I updated my Pixel 7 to Android 15 and the HA app today doesn’t work, by Web or Chromium Web App if I enter my HA instance, but the app there is no way.

Let’s see if we can all know if it’s the fault of Android 15 or the HA app needs an update.
Haos is in the latest stable version released, updated this morning. Anyway, I’m away from home, I try to enter at least local in the afternoon.

(Via web, in HA app only a black screen)

No issues here - Pixel 8 Pro with Android 15 (although I am using the beta of the HA app)

I have also tried the beta, it happens the same.

The same black screen in all combinations…

Tried clearing the cache? Mine worked without issue straight after the update…

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no issues here, do you have custom cards? maybe one is causing a conflict?

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From the app yes, up to the data, uninstall, the android cache I have not curled.

But I already found a solution (:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: ), commented on the start post.

It was impossible for this to be because the black screen already had it on the Login! screen, so it has not loaded a single data from the HA instance at that point