Android App / Pixel-5 refusing to load, then suddenly card boarders appear (after years of flawless service...)

Hi All;

My Pixel 5 & Android HA app have run flawlessly for years until this morning.

I upgraded my HA from 2024.4.4 → 2024.7.3 last night, and nothing else changed.

PC, Desktop, and mobile Chrome browser all access HA no issues.

The App however had a very dark screen saying something like “connection error” and half an android logo on the top left.

In this order I tried; clear cache, clear storage, delete app and reinstall.

It’s loading now, but all the cards look different, and have boarders around each card that aren’t visible on the desktop (and I don’t want them there). They are visible in Chrome mobile app.

Any ideas what went wrong and how to fix the Card Boarder issue? FYI HA app working flawlessly on wifey’s Pixel 7, no card boarders.


Solved. Something very strange is happening with all my themes. They are all behaving strange, but I found one that appears to be close to normal. Explains why it’s restricted to only my device.

How do I mark this as closed?