Android App - Unable to register Application

So, new Android 12 Pixel 6 and at the final section, I get:

Registering application ------

Unable to register application - Please check to ensure you have the mobile_App integration enabled on your home assistant instance.

was running core-2021.9.7, updated to the latest version without any change.

Previous S20+ and Moto works without issues.

HA Logs indicate:

2021-12-07 18:54:59 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request

No further info unfortunately. Anything I am missing here?

At the very top of config.yaml do you have default_config:? If it isn’t you’ll need to add mobile_app:. Even if it is there you could still try adding mobile_app:.

I have both in my config, I had added it a while ago when I was troubleshooting and never took it out.

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