Android Auto keeps loading

Hi, I have tried to use Home Assistant on Android Auto and initially it worked, but now it just gets stuck whenever I open it on Android Auto.

I have saved the logs from Settings → Companion App as well as from Settings → System → Logs.
How do I attach them here and is there any general guidelines on how to mask personal data, such as precise locations etc?

what version of the app are you running? the beta version has quite a few android auto specific fixes.

might be too long to paste in the forums but if you feel you found an issue you can paste the logs on github in a new issue

GPS and URLs

Companion app is:

Server is:
“Home Assistant 2023.6.3 Frontend 20230608.0 - latest”

Will give the beta a shot then

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if you still see an issue please create a new issue on github and provide the app logs after reproducing :slight_smile:

Have created a new issue on Github with the logs attached. :slight_smile:

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Thanks looks like this only happens if a user does not have any defined actionable entity, for anyone reading this try to add a input boolean entity to get the domains to load while we wait for the fix to be merged