Loving the great start to the Android Auto integration.
The best feature for me is the ability to select a tracked device and navigate to it.
Is there any way to keep sending an updated location to google maps say every minute.
Use case. My son has to start walking home from school but sometimes I can pick him up on his way. I can set it to navigate to him but if he keep walking then I am no longer navigating to him and have to manually reselect to navigate to him to get his new position.
not without restating the navigation. You cant just update an active navigation task, must start a new one.
Ok that makes sense as when I do it manually it just adds an extra stop unless I cancel the route first.
Can (could) home assistant send a request to stop the navigation and then resend the request for directions or is this not part of the API.
well we are not a navigation app and we start navigation by sending an intent to start navigation. I am not sure if tehre is one to stop the navigation. The only option I see is to start navigation.