Android Auto Support

30,000-foot, it would be nice if via some sort of Andriod Auto you could fire some automation.

The first use case I can think of is pulling into driveway you press the “I’m home” there is an automation that opens the garage door, unlocks the door, etc.

I know from dealing with Byoundpod that doing Android Auto Support can be tricky. Also, there is not a major category across the bottom where home automation would fit. There are maps, music, phone, some sort of alert.

How cool would it be if it could be done, when you get close a pop happens like getting a text message. Instead of reading the text when you press the button, it would fire the automation.

This is possible with Tasker, or Automate. I can’t imagine any way to get HA Integrated into Android Auto. They don’t just allow any application to be submitted for use in Android Auto, it has to be fully vetted and approved by Google then get added as support by them. This isn’t as simple as creating an app that shows in a home launcher.

You are much much better off using proper automation.

My presence detection has been Rock solid for a year now. We have lots of things automated for presence. I even use Hey Google, Turn on the Garage door! (Because it’s seen as a switch by Google)

I hear you. I knew the odds were not good when I posted the question. You know the saying, you have not because you asked not. :smile: Beyondpod got blacklisted because of some infraction. They had to jump through hoops to get back into Google good graces. At least that was their story and they stuck to it.

While googling for this post, I found the link to this. I watched the quick video but I am not sure I followed the difference between this and “OK Google” turn on x. Maybe it’s not. (See next section)

I thought about this. Right now I have a virtual switch that I called “my way home”, so I can say turn on “my way home” I have both my wife and my phone location shared. So when the virtual switch turns on it will, using the google maps, calculate the time home and send my wife an email. Then she knows how much time she has if she needs me to stop at the store on the way home. I could add another to say “I am home”

This is a subject for another thread. :slight_smile: For now all I am using is shared location method. I get random misses with it. Sometimes I am swinging around the corner and it detects me. Sometimes I am in the house and changed clothes before it says I am home. I know I need to add more help, just need the time.

If you don’t have your HA exposed to Google and connected, you can use Tasker or Automate to send API calls to set switches etc. It’s just an actual automation component that you can use based on any number of events/states/time/location. It isn’t even remotely the same as telling Google to do something.

You need more than one method of tracking. Since I have a Unifi Access Point in my house, I use that component as well as GPS Logger on our phones. This allows me to verify one or the other or both for different automations

Would it be possible to pull in the code from the link into the html5 notifications? So you could setup a permanant notification in Android Auto for your event, then click the notification and it’d trigger the event back at your HA?

Cool, but it probably won’t happen because of
1: You can do the same thing with a phone’s location.
2. There still isn’t even a “real” Android App for Home Assistant
3. Not that many people have Android Auto, unfortunately.

Everyone that has an Android device can have Android Auto…

Not for long:

Are you talking about the mobile app? Sorry I assumed you meant the other way where some cars support. If you mean the Android App version, why not just another app? also literally yesterday I heard Google is discontinuing the phone app version. Theyy are replacing it with a Google Assistant combo thing, so making anything now will probably stop working with the new version that is based off of Google Assistant.


Android Auto is merely being rebranded and folded into Google assistant…

Yeah. Functions just like the Android Auto in a car.

I’m sure there will be a compatibility layer and time for the apps that are currently supported to be fixed.

Is there a way to get a hassio shortcut into the android auto view? For instance, a button to open my lovelace and display my garage door opener?

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Surprised there are not many votes for this


A lot of things have evolved, SmartThings now has Android Auto support. This should totally be possible for Home Assistant?


Saw this today on my dashboard and immediately thought of all the possibilities where I pull my phone out when I leave and return home. This would be great to have HA available in the same way as Smart things.

looks like this is possible now.

Got my upvote

Is everyone here a beta tester for the app yet? If not you may want to consider joining :wink:

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In case it wasn’t clear, initial Android Auto support is now added in the app: Initial Android Auto Support by JBassett · Pull Request #3211 · home-assistant/android · GitHub

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