Android companion app does not stay running when losing focus

Every time I open Home Assistant companion app, and switch to something else, like simply going to “Home” on my phone, or switching to another open app… I can’t get back to Home Assistant. It disappears from the pool of opened apps. And it’s very frustrating.

I am guessing I am doing something wrong. In terms of Android configuration, I have everything setup so Home Assistant can use battery without restrictions, and the app blocker has all options disabled.

Is there something I should configure from within the app? I tried looking this issue up and found nothing specific to my case.

The companion sensors and actuators work absolutely fine. I’m just bothered by the fact that the app disappears from the quick app switcher and it has to load the UI again every time.

try opening the app from the launcher, the app does not add itself to the recent app list for certain actions as it may become duplicated which is required to ensure navigation works when accessed from different components like notifications and shortcuts

I always open the app from the launcher. The problem is that it closes automatically whenever I go somewhere else. It is very annoying having to reopen the app everytime and waste 5 seconds searching for the app and another 5 for loading up again.