Android Companion App & iBeacon Integration (BLE)

I’m using the HA Android Companion App on my Android Devices, and I was hoping to use it’s iBeacon functionality to integrate with HA iBeacon integration. All my (new) holy-iot beacons are detected instantly, but the HA iBeacon integration fails to detect the Android Companion App Beacon.

I’m reading various stories here about this no longer working due to naming etc.? Can someone help or enlighten me, I can’t get this to work at all anymore whereas last year this appeared to work just fine.

Is it similar to what is described here? iBeacon and Android companion app - iBeacon tracker does not show anything - #15 by 50bbx

I had this issue with my android device as well. I could see my phone broadcasting if I used a third-party app on another device, but for some reason HA wouldn’t see it. I also used another app to have it broadcast as an iBeacon and it DID show up in HA, so it was specific to the HA app. Never figured it out or got it working.

have you tried adjusting the sensor settings to increase advertise mode and transmit power? may also need to tweak measured power. These settings vary from setup to setup so users need to tweak things to get it to work.

Tried that too. Are you saying it is not related to this: iBeacons without names are not seen by the integration · Issue #80357 · home-assistant/core · GitHub ?

It is related to this (iBeacons without names are not seen by the integration · Issue #80357 · home-assistant/core · GitHub). The iBeacon integration does not pick up on the Home Assistant Companion App Bluetooth Beacon anymore. The discussion is in the forementioned Github issue.

Create a custom_component/ibeacon folder and copy therein these ( - Google Drive) files, restart, and it will work again (on your own risk). After they’ve been created you can safely remove the custom_component/ibeacon folder and it’s content. Use at your own risk, since there is a motivated reason behind the code being as it is in the ‘standard-code’ as bdraco explained in the issue.

there is work being done on the android app and HA core to pick up beacons properly. PR submitted shortly after your comment :slight_smile:


The beacon that the Android companion app sends is now correctly being picked up by the integration, it just takes about an hour until all random MAC addresses begin to be ignored.