Android debug bridge - adb not working?

I’m really confused on what is working. Should I be using a my own adb server or the “built in python adb”?

I’ve looked here: Android Debug Bridge - Home Assistant

I’m looking to get an idea of my kids usage on their android tablets and figured I might be able to get it to show information similar to how the built in media.player shows my android tv status.

I’ve enabled developer/usb debugging and wireless debugging on the tablet already but getting a “failed to connect”

Is there another method I should be going about this?

Same issue for me.

Same here. Mibox media player connects normally, but I can not use this integration for any other phone or tablet with developer options enabled.

Any solutions?

Same problem here

I had this issue, turns out you need to enable network debugging in developer options, right under usb debugging.
Once that is on it displays the IP and port, which should be default for the bridge integration
Now I got past failed to connect!

I had this issue and I only needed to deactivate all debugging settings, reactivate them again and then hard restart the TV and then it worked.