Setting up a 10-key as a remote as seen on a Paul Hibbert video and it actually seems to work quite well, but!
For whatever reason trying to select source to be Fandango/vudu fails despite entering the source found in the firetv source list.
- target:
- media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_176
source: com.fandango.vudu.firetv
action: media_player.select_source
Does not work
but the same solution for Peacock works just fine
- target:
- media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_176
source: com.peacock.peacockfiretv
action: media_player.select_source
Anyone have an idea what I’m doing wrong please.
August 29, 2024, 10:20pm
This is the working code from Firemote. It should work in your case as well.
action: androidtv.adb_command
command: adb shell am start -n com.fandango.vudu.firetv/
entity_id: media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_176
That worked, I was using the media_player.select_source because it worked for every other source in my system. I had no idea how to format an adb command.
Thanks for this.
1 Like
August 30, 2024, 2:46pm
I’m happy to help!
I’ve worked this out for almost 200 apps now. It’s not always easy, as you just found out. If you ever want to cheat off of my paper, take a look at this link. Apps are sorted in alphabetical order.
const launcherData = {
"abc-iview": {
"button": '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1735.8 430.1" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1735.8 430.1" xml:space="preserve"><style>.abciview0{fill:#00bfbd}</style><g id="Layer_1"><g id="Layer_2_1_"><path d="M63.3 96.6c16.7-.3 36.9 6 50.6 22.8 6.2 6 17.6 34.8 17.6 34.8l68.2 181c8.8 21.7 35.1 23.4 42.9 1.6l21.2-57.1 36.1 95.1c-17.6 32.1-34.6 39.9-54.7 47.3-23.5 7.3-51.6 4.9-71.8-7.6-6.7-4.3-24.3-15.7-36.1-44.6L65.5 169.3v182.6l26.9-77.2 34.5 96.3c-5 22.1-21 40.6-39.6 49.3-20.3 9.6-44.6 6.2-63-5.4C6 401.3.8 385.3 0 356.7l.2-197.6c2.1-32.9 23.1-50.8 41.6-58.8 8.2-2.7 11.8-3.5 21.5-3.7z"/><path d="M377.3 426c-16.7.3-36.9-6-50.6-22.8-6.2-6-17.6-34.8-17.6-34.8l-68.1-181c-8.8-21.8-35.1-23.4-42.9-1.6l-21.2 57.1-36.1-95.1c17.6-32 34.6-39.9 54.7-47.3 23.5-7.3 51.6-4.9 71.8 7.6 6.7 4.3 24.3 15.8 36.1 44.6l71.8 200.5V170.5l-26.8 77.2-34.5-96.3c5-22.2 21-40.6 39.6-49.3 20.3-9.6 44.6-6.2 63 5.4 18.3 13.6 23.5 29.6 24.3 58.1l-.3 197.6c-2.1 32.9-23.1 50.8-41.6 58.8-8.3 3-11.9 3.8-21.6 4z"/></g><g id="Layer_5"><path class="abciview0" d="M1229.9 330c-18.2 22.3-45.9 36.5-77 36.5-54.9 0-99.4-44.5-99.4-99.4s44.5-99.4 99.4-99.4c54.6 0 98.9 44 99.4 98.4h63.8c-.7-89.4-73.3-161.6-162.8-161.6-89.9 0-162.8 72.9-162.8 162.8s72.9 162.8 162.8 162.8c67.7 0 125.8-41.3 150.3-100.2h-73.7v.1z"/><path d="m1250.5 267.5-127.9-76.2v152.3z"/><path class="abciview0" d="M903.5 116.3h71.9v304.3h-71.9zM889.2 116.3h-77.4l-72.1 194.3-72.9-194.3h-78.6l121 304.3h59zM502.5 116.3h71.9v304.3h-71.9z"/><circle class="abciview0" cx="537.5" cy="44.3" r="44.3"/><path class="abciview0" d="m1735.8 116.3-108.6 304.3h-59.4l-56-184.6-55 184.6h-59.6l-108-304.3h77.3l60.8 196 54.2-196h62.3l54 194.7 60-194.7z" id="Layer_4"/></g></g></svg>',
"friendlyName": "ABC iview (AU)",
"className": "abciviewButton",
"deviceFamily": ["amazon-fire", "apple-tv", "chromecast", "nvidia-shield", "xiaomi"],
"amazon-fire": {
"appName": "",
"androidName": "",
"adbLaunchCommand": "adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n",
"apple-tv": {
"appName": "ABC iview",
"chromecast": {
"appName": "",
"androidName": "",
"adbLaunchCommand": "adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n",
This file has been truncated. show original
Will do, I was searching for examples and looked at the library file in your remote app for HA but none of the languages associated with HA are familiar to me so I can’t always make things work.