Android Debug Bridge and Vudu are not a happy pair

Setting up a 10-key as a remote as seen on a Paul Hibbert video and it actually seems to work quite well, but!

For whatever reason trying to select source to be Fandango/vudu fails despite entering the source found in the firetv source list.

          - target:
                - media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_176
              source: com.fandango.vudu.firetv
            action: media_player.select_source

Does not work
but the same solution for Peacock works just fine

          - target:
                - media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_176
              source: com.peacock.peacockfiretv
            action: media_player.select_source

Anyone have an idea what I’m doing wrong please.

This is the working code from Firemote. It should work in your case as well.

action: androidtv.adb_command
  command: adb shell am start -n com.fandango.vudu.firetv/
  entity_id: media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_176

That worked, I was using the media_player.select_source because it worked for every other source in my system. I had no idea how to format an adb command.
Thanks for this.

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I’m happy to help!

I’ve worked this out for almost 200 apps now. It’s not always easy, as you just found out. :smile: If you ever want to cheat off of my paper, take a look at this link. Apps are sorted in alphabetical order.

Will do, I was searching for examples and looked at the library file in your remote app for HA but none of the languages associated with HA are familiar to me so I can’t always make things work.
