Android, GPSLogger and Tasker

@flamingm0e asked me to share my setup, so I give him some cough syrup :wink:

I want to save battery, Tasker is a very good app for this purpose. GPSLogger is simple, adjustable and has also some kind of Tasker integration.

I created one profile which reacts to my Seat car BT and three tasks to perform some actions…
Its simple, but switches GPS modes and changes the profile in GPSLogger.

Another two tasks can start/stop GPSLogger (when arriving home or something)

You can take these XML as template, I think its easy to extend or modify.

You have to create profiles in GPSLogger (I have one with GPS updates every 30s and one without GPS updates every 3 minutes). These profile names are mandatory in task “UpdateCarConnected”.

Note: I don’t know, if your device has to be rooted, because that could depend on your Android version.

greetz Bob


Automode.tsk.xml (1.4 KB)
Stopgpslogger.tsk.xml (2.5 KB)
SeatConnected.prf.xml (3.3 KB)
Startgpslogger.tsk.xml (2.5 KB)
Automodeoff.tsk.xml (1.7 KB)
UpdateCarConnected.tsk.xml (1.4 KB)


haha. yes. I love when people understand the reference.

Thanks for doing this. I am going to test this out.

BTW my nickname is Bob, cause my soccer team found it funny. Origin was Sideshow Bob :smiley:

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