Android IP Webcam live stream on dashboard

Hi all,

Been having a look around and can’t really find a solution, I want a live stream of my Android IP Webcam as a card on my lovelace dashboard.

I have a android mini-pc running the IP Webcam app, and have that added to my dashboard with the following configuration. It shows a still image that updates every 10 seconds, when I tap on it, I get the full live stream.

I’m using it as a “picture-entity” card. I don’t have anything else in relation to cameras in my configuration.yaml (except the screenshot above).

Is it possible to have it as a live stream?

That’s normal for HA, unfortunately.
I’m on VENV HASS and have been testing this to get live stream:

  - type: picture-glance
    image: https://HA_IP:8123/api/camera_proxy/camera.garage?api_password=password
      1: https://HA_IP:8123/api/camera_proxy_stream/camera.garage?api_password=password
      2: https://HA_IP:8123/api/camera_proxy/camera.garage?api_password=password
    entity: input_number.proxy_loop

The idea is to ‘trick’ HA thinking we switch stream feed by changing the input_number.proxy_loop repeatedly. I have an automation to change it from 1 to 2 and back every 10-15 seconds, I can get 30+ minutes live stream this way. It will still stop eventually and need to refresh the browser page.
Knowing nothing about dashboard, YMMV.

One warning, doing live stream constantly will put extra load on your system., keep an eye on your system cpu/temperature.

Hope this give you some idea.

edit: just updated mine to remove the state_image/proxy_loop, works the same:

  - type: picture-glance
    image: https://HA_IP:8123/api/camera_proxy/camera.garage?api_password=password&image_refresh_rate=0.5
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