Android ip webcam unavailable


I installed IP Webcam in my Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S7). Thereafter I added the following in my configuration.yaml file:

  - host:
    port: 8080

When I restarted HA, I see a section called IP Webcam but there is nothing inside it, even when I click to expand it.

I am able to look into the video from my browser though.

Is there something that I am missing?

Strangely enough, I have just been looking at setting this up with an old camera as well. I managed to get a camera visible in a new tab with this

    view: yes
      - camera.fame

where fame is the name of my android_ip_webcam

Where did you define the host (fame) in configuration.yaml?

I get the following as error in the logs:

ERROR (MainThread) [pydroid_ipcam] Failed to communicate with IP Webcam: Cannot connect to host <IPcam address>:8080 ssl:None [Operation timed out]

  - host:
    port: 8080
    name: fame

This could be any number of problems. Check the IP address is the same and you can connect from your browser using this IP address to start with.

Facing same issue ,
Install and config the ip WebCam ,
on configuration.yaml

Failed to communicate with IP Webcam: Cannot connect to host 192.168.X.X:8080 ssl:None [Connection refused]

Anyone know the solution?