Android MQTT Alarm Control Panel setup

I’ve installed hassio on a Pi 3 with the primary purpose of running an alarm system (combined with ThanksMister’s Android Alarm Control Panel). Things are going pretty well considering I’m new to Home Assistant. My Android can control the HA Alarm - disarm and arm from the tablet. When I arm the system, my HA reflects the “Pending” and “Armed” statuses accurately. My tablet also shows the pending time and switches to the armed screen accurately.

When I trigger the alarm by opening my front door, HA shows pending and triggered accurately, but the Android app doesn’t change at all. It continues to show Armed. I can disarm from the app, but the screen still shows Armed. At that point, I can’t rearm the system since it still shows Armed.

Also, if I change the alarm status from the Home Assistant web interface, it is not reflected in the Android app.

My configuration.yaml uses this for the manual_mqtt setup:

state_topic: "alarmpanel/alarm"
command_topic: "alarmpanel/alarm/set"

The Android app is set up with the same strings. I’ve used the developer tools / services tab to publish these MQTT messages:

"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm", "payload": "disarmed"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm/set", "payload": "disarmed"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm", "payload": "DISARMED"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm/set", "payload": "DISARMED"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm", "payload": "disarm"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm/set", "payload": "disarm"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm", "payload": "DISARM"
"topic": "alarmpanel/alarm/set", "payload": "DISARM"

I can’t get the Android app to return to the Disarmed screen or go to the Triggered screen. Please help me troubleshoot this.

I have same problem, i think is related with state_topic, something solved problem???

Use the app’s default state and command topics in your manual_mqtt component configuration.

state_topic: "home/alarm"
command_topic: "home/alarm/set"

wow!!! Work Fine!! Thnks a lot !!!