Are known limitations of using the companion app on Android One (if any) documented somewhere?
I bought an aliexpress tablet for testing, and although most functionality seem fine, no notify commands that I tried (command_webview, command_on, command_screen_off_timeout) have any effect…
Wikipedia tells me Android One still exists, but you have a point in that I was confused between Android One (a full featured Android, although bare-bone) vs. Android Go (a special edition of Android).
That tablet is indeed Android 11 (not even sure where I saw Android One, actually), so the problem is different. Likely plain bogus bogus implementation of Android…
Update: Actually, only screen_webview definitely doesn’t work on that tablet. I get a message around “Display over other apps: Feature not available, slows down your phone”.
For the other command, the companion app must be on the foreground so that, the first time, the popup regarding allowing system settings change permission is displayed.
I don’t remember if it’s specific to that firmware…
I bought a bunch of old tablets on ebay. Basically all of them have their quirks, besides the Nexus 7 (I have the K007 model, so the Asus Memopad 7; I assume the actual nexus, K008, would be the same). That one is basically flawless as an HA display.
Android One still exist yes, but it was never an OS as such.
Android One is a design concept that can be used for all the Android versions in which a hardware manufacturer limit the customization of the system to a minimum and provide regular security updates for a specified time after the release of the phone.
Nokia/HMD phones are mainly Android One phones with little customization, but the update requirement of Android One has long been surpassed by companies of Nokia/HMD and Samsung among others. Samsung phones are generally not Android One and they probably started the battle on regular updates and guaranteed future updates to not loose out against the Android One concept.