Android Remote, Android Debug Bridge or Google cast

I was wondering what the difference is between the three Integrations Android Remote, Android Debug Bridge and Chrome Cast?

I am currently using ADB to control my Android TV but the other two integrations are also installed and I am wondering if they are needed and if so why?

I use adb as I have a routine that turns my TV on at certain time if I am away, and then make sure its on the correct source. ie not on the Launcher screen.

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Android remote should be a front end card to imitate the remote control for your android debug bridge device (ADB).

chrome cast is only applicable for chromecast enabled devices (so your Android TV might both support chromecast and ADB). ADB allows you to run any commands on the device but chromecast is a streaming device (to cast video or audio onto device).

I am using fire tv and I have installed APK to active chromecast support on the device.

  • ADB allows me to switch to another APK
  • Chromecast allows me to cast a video/audio from my phone to TV
  • Remote allows me to use soft remote on HA rather than physical one.
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Thanks for clarifying that, makes a lot of sense when seeing it in black and white

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