I’m using two Google TVs, identified as Android TV on HA. For both I get “Needs Attention” as soon as they are switched to standby using the normal remote. Which I think makes sense. I think about two workarounds, which I couldn’t find (PEBKAS?), any ideas welcome. And yes, I looked at topics recommended.
Best would likely be, if there’d be a setting inside the TV’s OS to not “disconnect” when switched off…? Though that also may result in “unnecessary” added power consumption? As mentioned, couldn’t find (or didn’t understand)?
The other option would be to be able to disable that notification, as it does not need attention (I think). Instead, the device should simply show “offline”? Might be a nice default on the integration?
On my Android TV I get error messages when the device is powered off. I filter those out in configuration.yaml:
# Errors resulting from TV being switched off
- "Failed to execute an ADB command*"
- "Failed to execute an ADB command*"
Don’t know whether this would stop the “Needs Attention” notification as well.
This is powering off, though - your problem sounds a bit different.
Sorry the stupid question. I tried to use the entity names to no success and now found time reading into it about “components”, but also find no such named directory in the file system. Would you mind to share, how I get the proper name to be used as filters? Or where to (properly) find the “error” to filter?
- "Failed to execute an ADB command*"
- "Failed to execute an ADB command*"
Used with or without leading homeassistant.components.
And yes, restarted every time.