Android TV Remote configuration failed

Hi all,

The Android TV Remote (Android TV Remote - Home Assistant) has always worked for me, but today I was testing some other integration with my Philips TV (GitHub - suborb/philips_android_tv: Tools to control Philips 2016 Android TVs) and since then it stopped working. I would like to have some additional functionality but this integration is above my ‘home-assistant-hobby-knowledge’. Therefor I deleted the integration again.

I went back to the Android TV Remote integration and noticed it keeps initializing, ending with ‘failed setup, will retry’. I decided to delete the integration and restart HA. I added the integration again and the pairing code was sent to my TV. I received the pairing code on my TV and entered it in HA. So far so good you would think, but again it keeps giving the error ‘failed setup, will retry’.

I think there is some code of setting from the integration which I was testing somewhere left behind. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks!

This threat can be closed. Fixed it by reconnecting wifi on the TV.