Android TV Remote - Configure Applications List

I’m looking for some clarity on the docs here: Android TV Remote - Home Assistant

In the Options section, there is the statement:

Configure Applications List

Here you can define applications where the keys are app IDs and the values are app names and icons that will be displayed in the UI.

However, I’m not having any success configuring the applications list. I have Kodi, for example, and know that the app id is org.xbmc.kodi. I can start Kodi by executing the Remote: Turn on command with org.xbmc.kodi as the activity.

When I open the configuration, I see the following:

I add Kodi as the name, mdi:kodi as the icon, and org.xbmc.kodi as the Application ID. After submitting, this is what I see in the media player when I click the applications list:

There’s no icon, and clicking the button has no effect. I don’t see anything on screen or in the logs indicating an error.

Am I supposed to be setting this up differently to be able to see the icon and more importantly launch the app when I press the button?