Android Widgets Issue?

Hi all,

I’m having an issue with service call widgets using the official app on Android and wondered if this is an issue specific to me and my Android/HA setup or whether other people had noticed this too?

My widgets were working properly up until about 7 to 14 days ago. Now my old, previously working, service call widgets fail to work and new ones I’ve tried setting up don’t work either. I’ve tried every version of service call (including light, switch, script, automation, .toggle, .on, .off etc etc) to find a work around but none have worked. My entity state widgets are still working properly.

So, is this just me? Or is there a chance a recent update has stopped service call widgets from working? Your thoughts (or just hearing it’s not just me :joy::rofl::joy:) would be a big help. Cheers, David

P.s. I also can’t set up template widgets anymore (it’s also been at least the last 7 to 14 days that they haven’t worked). In the set up screen the save button never activates.

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Same for me. Old template widgets stop working, new template widgets can not be created.
Button is not active.

By the way sensors widgets keep working fine.

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Oh cool, well, not cool that all bar the entity state/sensor widgets have stopped working but at least I know I’m not going crazy lol …or overlooked some settings mistake I had made, so thanks for sharing. I’ll let the asylum know they can hold off picking me up for at least one more day :joy::rofl::joy:

whats the error in the companion app logs?

same question what errors in teh companion app logs?

Im not sure it is logs you asked for, but i found this:

07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: Unable to render template: <big><strong>{{ states.sensor.delta_pro_240327_dc_input.state | int }}W</strong></big><br>        solar input
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No server for ID
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at$default(TemplateWidget.kt:203)
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at$updateView$1.invokeSuspend(TemplateWidget.kt:198)
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at$
07-06 20:04:49.140  9466  9466 E TemplateWidget: 	at

does this template render in dev tools > templates?

<big><strong>{{ states.sensor.delta_pro_240327_dc_input.state | int }}W</strong></big><br>        solar input

Yes, this this template rendered fine in dev tools > templates:

This template widget worked fine until recent HA update.

oh I see the issue now, looks like there is a missing server ID error and not a template error, my bad.

Can you try logging out of the app and logging back in to see if that corrects it?

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Yes!!! Logout/login fixed issued. Now template widget working fine! :partying_face:
Thanks a lot!
How i didn’t get to do it by my own? :upside_down_face:

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Hi, apologies, I’ve been away and only just seen your messages. Thank you so much for your reply and help, everything is working properly again. Just like @elword, I (for some reason) didn’t consider logging out of the app, even though I had tried literally every other thing I could think of (inc deleting caches, re-installing the app etc etc etc :man_facepalming:).

On top of helping with this issue, you also managed to help with another tiny but slightly annoying issue I had been having for ages with NFC tags being set up in the app but weren’t triggering the automations I had linked to them. I had thought that I must have made a silly error when setting up the automations but couldn’t for the life of me work out what that mistake could have been. However, they too were fixed by logging out lol.

Thank you for your help. It’s much appreciated

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