Anemometer ( wind speed ) compatibility

Has anyone come across a WiFi linked anemometer that has compatibility with HA.
I can get mean wind speed from darkSky etc, but I’d like to see gust speed .

Lacrosse makes a reasonably cheap anemo that does wifi. There are lacrosse integrations for other sensors (temp humid etc), but none for their anemos. Maybe with that info the anemo could be added?

I personally would look for a good rotary decoder based cup sensor (or just make one) and DIY with esphome.

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I do have a cup sensor up on the roof, just a reed and magnet ,
Also have a spare odroidC1, same as Rasp Pi2,
maybe add to the todo list, I’ll have a look at esphome and see whats needed.

Does the location have power? If so, you have to consider that when reading about esphome. Esp8266 will kill batteries quickly reading and sending states all day every few minutes or more. If you would be ok with collecting data often but sending it to ha less frequently, you might look at esp32 lora for battery use.

If there’s power, a wemos d1 mini is all you may need. With a reed switch, you can make use of esphome pulse counter, with a lambda to convert pulse/min to kmh.

I’ve got +12v close by from a camera supply I could use if needed, I’ll have a look at the
wemos d1, I haven’t heard of that before.

The d1 is my go to device when batteries aren’t involved. It requires no soldering if headers are installed, has usb built in, and a standard pin pitch for easy wiring. These are also smaller and cheaper than nodemcu, but do the same thing pretty much.

The Wemos D1 is a perfect choice for that, in my opinion.
Uses almost no energy, has WiFi, has no OS that can go haywire, starts immediately…
Together with ESPHome it’s the ultimate HA integration!

You’ll need a regulator to convert 12vdc to 5v for the wemos.

looks an interesting device :thanks
Stacks of 7805 and 78L05 :slight_smile:

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That’s right, forgot about that. Maybe an ESP8266 is a better choice for 12V, since it has a regulator on-board. It’s basically the “same” device (both are ESP chips and can run ESPHome), the same price, but has more pins and a regulator.

Disregard my deleted comment… was thinking of another esp that has 5v tolerance… like the teensy boards it has all kinds of expensive protection. Normal wemos d1 are not 5v tolerant.

Yes, if he is willing and able to solder one up… I assume that is a no for like 90% of folks, but we are on the HA forum so more like 50% here. :wink:

I have lots of bare 12e modules on my network, but I don’t mind things like dead bug soldering sot23 devices with 30awg magwire… bare esp’s are easy for me, but impossible for many.

Edit: wait a minute, here I go crossing boards again. I don’t think bare esp’s have a regulator suitable of running off 12v, do they? There is a reason all my bare devices have lm1117 or other involved.

No problem soldering, but I draw the line at BGA SMD , but at a push they can be done if placed upside down with pads facing upwards :slight_smile:

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Let me guess, you have spare lm1117 sitting around too? I love this site… I bet 70+% of us also have oscopes on the bench.

Sorry again for the confusion.

I meant NodeMCU. It’s a ESP8266 based board.

It works with 12V and already has soldered pins.

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Had a look at the prices of the D1, very low :slight_smile: