Animated weather icons on iPhone stopped animating?

all of a sudden all places which use the animated icons for weather states in my config stopped animating… On buttons, in the weather cards, as badges, all stay static.

The identical spots on desktop show animation just fine.
HA107.5, iOS companion app and chrome browser for iOS using the web address of the server. Seems an iOS thing?

I had not noticed. Yeah I see the same issue. Did you recently update to iOS 13.4.1?

No, still on 13.4
Custom header doesn’t work either on iPhone

I didn’t see it before, but they also stopped working in Safari desktop on my Mac, while in Chrome they still work…
everywhere: on a single button, as icon in a markdown card, and in the custom weather cards.

very odd.

You should open an issue about animated icons not working.

Some people are having even bigger issues with 13.4

IOS 13.4 and Safari 13.1 has this problem. I think could be solved on animated weather card side maybe?

no, its bigger than that, it is system wide

Sounds like it comes from Web Animations in Safari which comes out with IOS 13.4 and Safari 13.1, but in the meantime it says:

What about SVG? At this stage, SVG Animations remain distinct from the Web Animations model, and there is no integration between the Web Animations API and SVG. This remains an area of improvement for the Web platform.

Yet, however, it didn’t remained distinct…

It does it with chrome on iOS as well. I was thinking it’s HA not iOS

Probably it’s because on IOS, Chrome is still using Safari Webkit.

As a datapoint, I just upgraded my iPAD from 13.3.1 (where the HA iOS App animated SVGs worked) to 13.4.1 (no change in HA), and the HA iOS App animated SVGs no longer work (static) :sob:

Yes confirmed. It’s iOS 13.4. It works fine on my wife’s iPhone 12.4.5 too.

I think this is exactly the issue.
Seems it can be fixed and requires something like setting an object type in the js. I’m investigating how to do this.

So iOS app now icons working again (new iOS beta 13.5 today). Anyone else?? Chrome working as well.

I just requested the beta. Will let you know.

found myself a spare iPhone… how to get the beta?

nm, was confused with the beta HA version… downloading as I write this.

still, it wont solve the issue for Safari desktop of course. which wasn’t updated and also stopped showing the animated icons, while Chrome desktop does.

Great :clap:
I myself is gonna wait for the official 13.5. Now we sit and pray that the official IOS 13.5 will keep this change from 13.5 beta…

I got a new beta for MacOS Catalina today…

Haha yes got a spare one there too;-)

Can confirm though my 13.5 is showing animated icons! Not in Chrome here…maybe a few cache flushes will help

Now hope it will also have the correct mobile_app functionality which was not updating before

This beta is taking forever to download over a 7MB/s satellite link shared with 19 other users (it has a 1200ms round trip latency too!).

EDIT: Yep that fixed it.

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