Animating an Picture Element Card

I have the following configuration for a picture-elements card.

type: picture-elements
image: /local/ll_matte_home.png
   - style:
          color: white
          top: 73%
          left: 12%
          transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(5, 5)'
     type: state-label
     entity: sensor.matte_hem

I want to make the element of type state-label blink every 4 seconds. What could be done?
Thanks in advance.

Have a look at card-mod:

I have tried this but not able to achieve what i am looking for. There are also very little examples on this thread. Not an expert with CSS styling.

Theres this example in the git repo:

Make a blinking button

type: entity-button
entity: light.bed_light
style: |
  @keyframes blink {
    50% {
      background: red;
  ha-card {
    animation: blink 2s linear infinite;

This is not working. I already tried. The problem is that in this the background blinks not the state label or the icon.

Thatโ€™s just an example. You need to update the code.

I am trying but not pulling it of. Not so much of an expert in CSS

This works for me:

            type: picture-elements
            image: /local/mainfloor.png
            style: |
              @keyframes blink {
                0% {background-color: pink;}              
                50% {background-color: black;}
            - type: state-label
              entity: climate.home
                animation: blink 5s linear infinite
                top: 8%
                left: 13%
                color: red

For some reason this is not working for me. But i made it work with custom button card. Thanks for the help.

There is a possibility that only when a sensor is turned on will the icon blink?

The simplest way without templating I can think of is the wrap a blinking icon or state-icon element in a conditional element with the sensor you want controlling the blinking icon.

This way, just need to change above code from background-color to color and state-label to icon or state-icon inside a conditional element.