Announce on ReSpeakerLite if event happens

I’ve got a binary toggle for when the washing is out. I’m getting a rain sensor. The trick is, if the washing is out when it detects rain, I want it to make an announcement on the assist_satellite.respeakerv3_assist_satellite - which I believe is the output speaker for the ReSpeakerLite.

How do I get it to make an announcement please?

To add meat to the bones of this, I’ve got nothing in the drop down on the Automation for " Assist Satellite ‘Announce’" despite exposing the respeak_assistant and the respeak_Assist_satelite.

OK - I’ve managed to find one post from about a month ago, saying that although the feature is in the automation gui, it isn’t yet active. But it might work through YAML? Unfortunately the yaml isn’t in that discussion.

I think I created the correct YAML…

alias: Raining When Washing Is Out
description: ""
  - trigger: state
      - input_boolean.notify_washing
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
conditions: []
  - action: assist_satellite.announce
      entity_id: assist_satellite.office_respeak_assist_satellite
      message: Washing
mode: single

However, I think the trace concludes that I can’t do it…
Error: Entity assist_satellite.office_respeak_assist_satellite does not support this service.

So… back to the drawing board