Announcement: AppDaemon 2.1.7

Hi everyone, here is the latest!

Breaking Changes!!!

If you are using the new API intriduced in 2.1.0, you need to make a change to your code. In this release for addiitonal flexibility, rather than giving avery App a default endpoint, Apps must now register their endpoints with the register_endpoint() call. This adds flexibility - Apps can decide on the name of the callback rather than being forced to use the default, also, Apps can now register multiple endpoints.

To retain the old behavior, you will need to add a line in your initialize() function to register the default endpoint explicity:

def initialize(():

This will register the old default function as the callback, and use the App name as the endpoint. You are of course free to change this and rename the callback and/or use a different endpoint name as you now have the flexibility to do so.

Apart from that, the other big addition is the Custom Widget API for HADashboard! You can now easily create your own widgets and contribute them back to the community. Full documentation is included in a new section of the docs: HA Dashboard Widget Development.

And if that wasn’t enough, engrbm87 has contributed support for the Google Home API so all you Google Home users can now write apps to work with it directly.

I am also working behind the scenes to improve the docs and lay them out better.

Happy Automating!

2.1.7 (2017-08-20)


  • Converted docs to rst for better readthedocs support
  • Added custom widget development
  • Enhanced API support to handle multiple endpoints per App
  • Added helper functions for Google Home’s APP.AI - contributed by engrbm87 <>__
  • Added immediate parameter to listen state to trigger immediate evaluation of the delay parameter



Breaking Changes

  • Existing API Apps need to register their endpoint with register_endpoint()

Sweet! Been looking forward to testing out the widget API.

Great work!

Also, just wanted to compliment you on the work on the appdaemon API. I found the whole process of developing my first apps a joy.

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Can someone describe the use case for the Appdaemon API? I understand building apps, but how would you use the API on top of that?

The AppDaemon API is a RESTFul API that allows you to call into an AppDaemon app directly from anywhere
A lot of internet enabled services ppublish webhooks that you can now use AppDaemon withm and also this allows AD Apps to directly process requests from Alexa and Google Home

So just further abstracting HA from things? I think I understand… Great work!!

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I wouldn’t say abstracting, so much as empowering AD to do some of the more complex things that are difficult in HASS.

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a great example is amazon Alexa.

with AD connected to Alexa you can create conversations.
with the intent options from HA that isnt possible.

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Sorry to be a bother, but do you have an examples?

with HA:

you: Alexa, ask home assistant what the temperature in the livingroom ist.
Alexa: the temperature in the livingroom is 23 degrees

with AD:

you: Alexa, ask appdaemon what the temperature ist
Alexa: from what room would you like to know the temperature?
you: the livingroom
Alexa: the temperature from the livingroom is 23 degrees
Alexa: would you like to know more temperatures?
you: tell me the temperature in the bedroom
Alexa: the temperature in the bedroom is on this moment 22 degrees.
Alexa: would you want to know more?
you: no thank you
Alexa: ok, see you next time


Great example! Thank you!! I need to do some more reading of the Alexa documentation!

here is an example of what is possible with AD and alexa.
it is in german but i hope it shows whats possible.

I will make a more complicated example in english soon.


Whattt. Is there any documentation on this? Nice work!

nope still just a test, that isnt built to the end.
to much stuff going on that is more important then voice controlled youtube search :wink: