Announcement: Appdaemon v4.0.0

Just to make sure, do you have a secrets.yaml file in the same directory?

Also this

ha_url: !ha_url

should be this:

ha_url: !secret ha_url

i think you are somehow editing the wrong appdaemon.yaml
because your appdaemon.yaml that you show here contains the right latitude, longtitude, etc.
but AD sees an appdaemon.yaml that doesnt contain those values.

I am assuming that you are not using

You are not mapping the drive to your config directory in your docker run command. Try with:

docker run --rm -it -p 5050:5050 -v /path_to_your_config_folder:/conf  acockburn/appdaemon:latest 

If that fails, try a passing all environment parameters in the docker run command, i.e.

docker run --rm -it -p 5050:5050 -v /path_to_your_config_folder:/conf   -e HA_URL="http://192.168.xx.xx:8123" -e TOKEN="YOUR_TOKEN" -e DASH_URL="" acockburn/appdaemon:latest

Thanks for catching this! Yes I have a secrets.yaml in the same directory.

aaah … I cannot believe I did that…! Thank you – it’s working now!

Really pleased with AD 4, but had a small request/question. Previously I was using: Fullscreen images (cameras, weather radars) on click for HADashboard to maximize/minimize my camera stream on keypress. AD 4 seems take the user to the actual stream on key press and then user is unable to easily move back. Is there anyway to mimic the functionality I had before?

sorry, but that behaviour doesnt come from AD.
what you had before was custom, and the actual behavior is i think from HA.

Haha, well I do realize that as I posted above. I no longer have any customer components as they don’t work with AD4, but was wondering if the AD camera widget could be update to provide useful functionality.

Also, I am now see any tablet with a camera stream banned on HA restart, then a server crash. Very strange.

whitelist your network in HA.

the HA cams have a changing token.
when you restart HA, the token is changed, but the dashboard doesnt know that at that moment, and tries to connect to HA with the old token.
HA sees an invalid token and that causes that HA blocks that IP.

that cant be helped from our side.
the camera widget, just like all of dashboard, will get attention from us, in the near future.
but the fullscreen is no function from the widget that is somehow behaviour from HA.

My entire network is whitelisted, that’s the weird part. Do I need to whitelist the tablet IP’s separately? I did remove my token from the appdameon config file, maybe that’s the issue.

Interesting, I guess the custom component I was using before, created by @tjntomas, was automatically handling the token on refresh.

Awesome, Hadashboard definitely needs some loving. The other dashboards have their benefits, but ultimately fall short of Hadashboard.

i guess there is something wrong there then, because then HA wouldnt ban your dashboards.

there will always be problems when dashboard is running while restarts are made.
also when dashboards are running when you restart AD, there is no garantee that it will work.

in case from the cams you get into a race situation. its also depending on your refresh settings.
when the dashboard refreshes the cam it will use the last token it did get from HA, but if HA at the same time changes the token, there will be a problem.

shouldnt make any difference because the widget uses the token from the cam.
the token that was in appdaemon.yaml before was set by the addon. the addon now sets it in another way, so its not visible in appdaemon.yaml, but it is still there.

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Currently I can refresh my tablet browser via MQTT after a HA restart, that might be a solution for this. Is there a way to set a refresh within the dash file on restart?

dashboard has no knowledge from a restart.
that might be 1 of the things we will try to implement when we start rewriting dashboard.

edit: but however we try, we cant garantee it always goes right, just because of the racing possibilities.
thats why you need to make sure that HA cant block your dashboard.

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The widget need a minor change to the camerastream.yaml file as noted here:

I will update my custom widgets to work with AD4 shortly.

Awesome, that will be a better option, it works great. Any chance on adding a new feature similar to this: Fullscreen images (cameras, weather radars) on click for HADashboard

Sure, just a few minor additions to the code needed for that to work.

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You’re awesome, much appreciated!

@rds76 did this with jquery which is a very nice hack, but I think I’ll do it with plain js.

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the widget from AD 4 also takes token from HA and it also has the possibilty to stream (allthough that was always possible)

so if there is no other advantage yours offers you could use the default widget.

Fine! I didnt look at the new/updated widgets yet.