The standard widget has a link to the image so the image file pops up in the browser, making it hard to return to HADashboard. I have removed the link and instead you get the standard close button or you can just use press escape.
If someone wants it to return after a while, I can add this, but I don’t think that was the issue.
i have had about a dozen questions from people like this:
when i click on the camera it goes to full screen, and i have no way to return to the dashboard.
is there a way to avoid that?
lately i had more question about wanting not to have the option then wanting it.
so if we add it, it should have a return on default, that can be overwritten by an option, and an option to disable it completely.
remember that a lot of people use dashboards on a tablet with fully, without buttons for close of escape.
The iPad adds a close button since I am using a system call to go to full screen so there is a close button available on all devices, even phone. I think the inclusion of a <a> tag in the camera widget was the problem.
The previous implementation would close after 30 seconds (could be adjusted in code) or on screen tap. I have 6 wall mounted tablets in my home, but none have physical navigation buttons.
i dont think that will be available if you use fully. because it is already in fullscreen and it doesnt have the possibility. (actually it could be available, but in configuration most people disable those options on purpose, and if the kiosk mode is used it is disabled)
If I am not being too greedy, I would also add close on screen tap (bypassing the timed close). I know people would appreciate that. Thank you for all your effort here!