Announcement: HADashboard v1.72

Well, couldn’t you use either an HA automation or an AppDaemon automation to do a command line for wget or some other means of downloading the image every X minutes to overwrite the old image that the BigImage widget is pointing to?

What URL radar map are you using? Maybe I can look at it and two heads can come up with a means of getting the updated image.

I suppose you can do that or just do a cron job; six of one and all that.

Here’s the URL I’m using; its a Weather Underground map:

Well, from what I am seeing that is a live updating radar map. I placed it into HADashboard using the BigImage widget, and when it first loaded, it showed the time on the radar map as 1:59 EDT, and then 6 minutes later I went back to the dashboard page and the time on the radar map showed 2:05 EDT, so that API call is a live updating image that works perfectly fine in the BigImage widget. I don’t think it updates every minute, but it looks like maybe every 5 minutes.

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That’s awesome news; I’ll try getting it set up after dinner. Anything I should be aware of or are the instructions pretty clear?

Nothing out of the ordinary… I didn’t download the files, I just created a big_image folder in the widgets folder and manually copy and pasted the contents of the .coffee, .html and .scss files into, big_image.html and big_image.scss and it just works right out of the box.

Here is the widget code I used in the dashboard for your radar:

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="4" data-sizey="4">
  <div data-id="radar" data-view="BigImage" data-image="" data-max="true"></div>

I followed your instructions and I get the image, but it’s no longer displaying as an animated gif; it’s just the first frame.

When I click on the link you posted for the radar, it opens in my browser but is not animated either, so I had no idea it was an animated gif.

What browser are you using that shows it animated? I’m on a mac using Chrome, so when I click that link and it opens in Chrome, it just shows a still frame, and that is directly in the browser and not through HADashboard.

Try this URL - when I used the URL in your example I was taken to Detroit (Ironically used to live there at one time) instead of NY/NJ where my map should be and it was indeed static.

This is the one I currently have animating in an iframe widget:

Guys - not sure where you are with this - do you still need the IFRAME mods mentioned earlier in the thread/ I didn’t put them in 1.7.3 but if you need them I can push a quick update …

Not sure if @rpitera is going to continue using iframe for this current instance, but for me, I definitely have a use for those updates to the iframe widget and would love them to be put into the main release :smiley:

Ok, I’ll slide it in there tomorrow - sorry I forgot.

No, its alright, no need to apologize, I appreciate it, truly!!

I’m actually using it too. I still want to work on getting big image to work as well too. I can see use cases here for both. It would be great if they could be included.

OK, I pushed the update - 1.7.4 - I won’t make a big announcement but it should be what you need :slight_smile:

Version 1.7.4

  • Modify IFrame widget for @jbardi and @robpitera
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Almost two months later and I finally got HADashboard up to current, but I’m finding that my iframe widget is no longer displaying like it used to and now looks like this instead of taking up the full space of the widget like it used to.

I’m still using the same code as before:

<!-- ROW 1 -->
    <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="5" data-sizey="4">
     <div data-id="iframeId1" data-view="Iframe" data-src=""></div>

And before I did the update, I stowed my iframe code so that the git pull would work properly and replace what @jbardi and I came up with. I can’t see any difference between what we started with and what you pushed so I am at loss for what happened.

EDIT: Tagging @aimc so he can weigh in…

Hi, everyone. I’ve decided to join the bandwagon and implemented Hadashboard. How can I change the size so that four columns are displayed without having to zoom in? Thanks.

Please pardon me if the question has already been asked.

Yes, it is possible - let me find a link for you.

Here you go|

Hey thanks. This is all I need:

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { Dashing.numColumns = 4 }); </script>

I got hapush configured but I can’t get the dashboard synchronized in desktop and smartphone with the same URL:

While running in console:

[hass@home-server hapush]$ ./ hapush.cfg 2016-12-28 19:30:19,849 INFO Reading dashboard: /fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard/dashboards/example.erb 2016-12-28 19:30:19,855 INFO Reading dashboard: /fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard/dashboards/main.erb

Had to Ctrl+C twice to end the process.

[code][hass@home-server hapush]$ ./ hapush.cfg
2016-12-28 19:30:19,849 INFO Reading dashboard: /fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard/dashboards/example.erb
2016-12-28 19:30:19,855 INFO Reading dashboard: /fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard/dashboards/main.erb
^C2016-12-28 19:38:36,010 CRITICAL Unexpected error:
2016-12-28 19:38:36,010 CRITICAL ------------------------------------------------------------
2016-12-28 19:38:36,018 CRITICAL Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 265, in run
for msg in messages:
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/”, line 64, in next
nextline = self.resp_file.readline()
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/”, line 380, in read
data =
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/http/”, line 448, in read
n = self.readinto(b)
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/http/”, line 478, in readinto
return self._readinto_chunked(b)
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/http/”, line 573, in _readinto_chunked
chunk_left = self._get_chunk_left()
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/http/”, line 541, in _get_chunk_left
chunk_left = self._read_next_chunk_size()
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/http/”, line 501, in _read_next_chunk_size
line = self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1)
File “/usr/lib/python3.5/”, line 575, in readinto
return self._sock.recv_into(b)

2016-12-28 19:38:36,018 CRITICAL ------------------------------------------------------------
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 348, in
File “./”, line 343, in main
File “./”, line 274, in run
[hass@home-server hapush]$[/code]

Here’s the config minus the api key:

[hass@home-server hapush]$ cat hapush.cfg ha_url = "" ha_key = ...secret... dash_host = "" dash_dir = "/fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard/dashboards" logfile = "/fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard/hapush/hapush.log"

Any luck? At least I can control the lights from the hadashboard and activate scenes which is what I have.

And yes, my home directory is /fileserver/users. User “hass” has a home directory of /fileserver/users/homeassistant.

hadashboard is located in /fileserver/users/homeassistant/hadashboard.
Home Assistant is located in /fileserver/users/homeassistant/.homeassistant

Both of the two directories are owned by user “hass.”