Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta!

Ok, I make some assumptions where groups are concerned, they are problematic, I’ll review your info and see what I can figure out.

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hehe… 5050 :slight_smile: I have these on different boxes myself…

It will parse what you have in the dash_url, so make that :5051 or whatever, I believe it should change it.

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Thanks again. If it can’t be done, it can’t be done, I just wasn’t sure if I was missing something somewhere.

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J[quote=“lordsiris, post:248, topic:13141”]
@aimc any chance you could add textual states to lights, switches, input_boolean, etc for the “icon-impaired” viewers. Like the device tracker widget does. Possibly make it an optional item on the widgets?

I’ll add it to the list for post beta.

Not sure what you mean by this?

It’s up to you, you configure it in the dash_url parameter.


For the second item I mean that I see class items like “.widget-binary-default-switch-landscape-lights-switch-59-0 .icon-active” in the dashboard.css file in my custom skin. Just wondering if above the compiled entries there could be a comment or seperator or something to break the global css from the compiled. Maybe that still doesn’t make any sense.

thanks, will try it out.

If you are looking i the compiled CSS, your eyeballs will bleed, there is a lot of munging to make it all make sense. What do you expect to gain from looking at that? It’s intended to not be human relevant, it is all derived from the skin, but is processed to make things work.

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Maybe I’m in docker la-la land again, but i have about 1200 lines of the compiled css in my custom_css/template_name/dashboard.css file. Tomorrow I may just spin up a new VM and install HABeta all by itself…

The compiled CSS shouldn’t be there, it goes into a directory under the config dir called compiled.

not sure, know I didn’t put it there. Will see what it looks like in a non docker madness tomorrow.

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Anyone want a quick AppDaemon file to convert HA groups (that start with room_ ) to .dash files?

I have change the steps in HA but it still the same problem.

I get one error in javascript console.

Probably jumping ahead of this beta’s current stage here, but I’ve noticed the Media Player widget doesn’t change icon when the state goes from ‘playing’ (icon showing) to ‘stopped’ (should be no icon).

If I reload the dashboard, the icon updates appropriately but not on its own.

The icon updates perfectly from ‘playing’ to ‘paused’ and vice versa - it’s just ‘stopped’ that seems not to update automatically.

The widget behaves like this when it’s pointing to my MPD device, and my Kodi box.

Having issues running this in the venv - any thoughts?

(homeassistant) homeassistant@hass:/srv/homeassistant/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon$ python3 -m appdaemon.appdaemon -c conf/
2017-03-06 22:32:53.882558 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.0beta1 starting
2017-03-06 22:32:59.355153 INFO Got initial state
2017-03-06 22:32:59.356009 INFO Loading Module: conf/apps/
2017-03-06 22:32:59.357917 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hello
2017-03-06 22:32:59.450702 INFO hello_world: Hello from AppDaemon
2017-03-06 22:32:59.452812 INFO hello_world: You are now ready to run Apps!
2017-03-06 22:32:59.453078 INFO App initialization complete
2017-03-06 22:32:59.454621 INFO Starting dashboard
2017-03-06 22:32:59.456703 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-03-06 22:32:59.457097 WARNING Unexpected error in dashboard thread
2017-03-06 22:32:59.457318 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-03-06 22:32:59.461004 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/homeassistant/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/appdaemon/", line 232, in run_dash
  File "/srv/homeassistant/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/appdaemon/", line 23, in set_paths
  File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/", line 241, in makedirs
    mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'conf/compiled'

2017-03-06 22:32:59.461382 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-03-06 22:32:59.503549 INFO Connected to Home Assistant 0.39.1

ha_url = https://EXTERNALDNS
ha_key = PASSWORD
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
threads = 10
#app_dir = /srv/homeassistant/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/apps
dash_url =
dash_dir = /srv/homeassistant/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/dashboards
# Apps
module = hello
class = HelloWorld

Seems to me that the user hass has no writing righrs for the dir compiled.

OK, to clarify my brief comments from last night on my iPad …

The way the group widget is implemented, it assumes all the lights are dimmable, to not have dimmable lights causes the problem you have seen. I’ll look at fixing this during the beta.

Thanks - I have reworked that part of the code for the next beta release so lets see how it behaves then.

It’s working as designed but I can add a separate icon for the stopped state after the beta.

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Having never used AppDaemon is anyone able to give me some pointers on the best way to start V2 on boot or launch with a script from HASS?

@aimc - Is it still possible to create a blank tile for spacing in V2? Sorry, if I missed it already being discussed somewhere in the thread above or docs.