Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta!

Quick teaser for beta2 - iframe widget is well on the way! :slight_smile:


Wow, Dash looks just like HA now… :wink:

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I’m using an x86 server, but I’ll try to follow the instructions and get it to work. Thanks.

Same idea, minus switching the FROM line

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It worked!!! THANKS! :slight_smile:

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So is that HA in an iframe widget? What exactly are we looking at here?

Exactly - just a demo of the iframe widget. It could equally well be a weather map or better yet several weather maps on a cycle, or 4 camera images on a cycle, or anything else :slight_smile:


Thanks, I was a bit confused at what I was looking at. Can’t wait to test this.

Thank you and sorry for the stupid question :slight_smile:

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Here is the iframe widget bring used for it’s true purpose - cycling though multiple images of cats.

(It changes every x seconds, and cycles through a list of provided URLs.)


Cuteness overload!!!

Must push asap!!!


Looking forward to that one. I want to display a ‘manual’ for how to use the Alexa… “but I thought voice was intuitive!”

Something to keep in mind.

In my header, I define and display device_tracker widgets for each member of my family. Each is named with their name. I have a dashboard page setup for each on of them as well. The dashboards stored in a file like (name)_bedroom. I also use a footer to allow navigation to all of the pages. I have a navigate widget in the footer for each dashboard page I have (kitchen, den, office, kid1, kid2, masterbedroom). My footer widget boxes were showing up, but without any icons. I finally realized that because the header is included first, the widgets in my footer were being ignored where they duplicated ones in my header. Now I don’t know that that is a bad thing. In fact I can think of some times it might be quite useful. And if not, it’s easy to work around by giving the widgets in my footer unique names. But it might be nice if the compiler gave me a warning and let me know there was a duplicate widget name when it ran through.

It does that in beta2 :slight_smile:

Which is imminent.

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Does the next beta have support for simple page passwords? Right now, they could be hard coded into the .dash files in the top header section or something? Just so I can show my wife the potential behind it?

Ideally later security could be IP based (assuming you reserve your DHCP address), or MAC address specific.

As a use case:
Each bedroom should be able to access devices on their dashboard and only their dashboard. The family room can access any public spaces. Anyone trying to get to a dashboard not registered to their room, has to enter a password. No one would be registered to the Thermostats so that anyone wanting to change those, would have to know the password.

Finally home and started playing with this again and got to my garage dashboard. I’m getting the following error in the error_log.

2017-03-10 16:26:44.721750 WARNING Unable to find widget type 'cover'

No messages in the error log or on STDOUT.

What’s interesting to me is it seem not to be able to find the widget type itself, not the entity.

Post beta for that, I’ll add it.

Which one???

Covers are not in beta 1