Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta!

Did you install websockets-client

I see you did …

initially it came up with…
sudo pip3 install websocket-client
Collecting websocket-client
Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None)) after connection broken by ‘NewConnectionError(’<pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x75f35f10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known’,)’: /simple/websocket-client/
Downloading websocket_client-0.40.0.tar.gz (196kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 204kB 412kB/s
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages (from websocket-client)
Building wheels for collected packages: websocket-client
Running bdist_wheel for websocket-client … done
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/d1/5e/dd/93da015a0ecc8375278b05ad7f0452eff574a044bcea2a95d2
Successfully built websocket-client
Installing collected packages: websocket-client
Successfully installed websocket-client-0.40.0

I have it working on the Raspberry Pi via Docker, not much different. Quick steps

  • Create a folder and clone the git, cd into appdaemon folder

  • Modify Dockerfile, replacing
    FROM python:3.4
    FROM resin/raspberrypi-python:3.4
    so you’re getting an ARM base image

  • Modify appdaemon/ and change the create_server line under run_dash to:
    f = loop.create_server(handler, "", int(conf.dash_port))

  • Setup an appropriate appdaemon.cfg file in the conf folder:

    ha_url = HASS_URL_HERE!
    ha_key = HASS_API_KEY_HERE!
    logfile = STDOUT
    errorfile = STDERR
    dash_url = http://LAN_IP_OF_DOCKER_HOST_HERE:5050
    disable_apps = 1

  • Same build/create/start stuff as before:

    docker build -t appdaemon_dashboard .
    docker create --name appdaemon_dashboard --restart always -p 5050:5050 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v FULL_PATH_TO_CONF:/conf appdaemon_dashboard
    docker start appdaemon_dashboard
    docker logs -f appdaemon_dashboard

  • Profit!

Build time and startup/runtime performance are notably better than v1 :slight_smile:


Another documentation update

This will look for a file called top_panel.yaml in the dashboards directory, then include it. There are a couple of different ways this can be used.

  • If the yaml file includes it’s own layouts directive, the widgets from that file will be placed as a block, in the way described by its layout, making it reusable. You can change the order of the blocks inclusion by moving where in the original layout directive you include them.
  • If the yaml file just includes widget definitions, it is possible to perform the layout in the higher level dash if you prefer so you still get an overall view of the dashboard. This approach has the benefit that you can be completely flexible in the layout wheras the first method defines fixed layouts for the included blocks.

There is one other option.
You can create widget definitions in the main file and use them in the layout of the header/footer/etc.

For example, I have a header that has a label in it that lists the room that the dashboard is associated with. If I put the label widget definition, in the header file, all the pages get the same message. So I put the label widget definition in the main file for the room, and referenced it from the layout in the header. Now each page has the right name displayed in the header.


Why can you click on device_trackers and toggle them from home to away??? Can you disable being able to click on it so it just shows you where they are?

One last question and I think I’m gonna call it a night. I’m not sure if it’s age, or being tired, but I forgot what I was going to ask.

oh yea, persistent notifications. Do they get sent to the dashboard?

Was the same on v1 - I occasionally need to correct the system to reality.

No support for them yet.

Well done guys, I installed using pip3 and it worked straight after configuring the conf file and adding dash line.

Great work, missed first to get it running, but it worked first up for me.


Please can someone advise how to get v2 running at boot?

There are quite a few posts about it on the forum for AppDaemon startup.

however one word of warning, there are some messages that may be displayed to stdout instead of going to the log file. You lose visibility of those running on boot. You might want to create a menu script that runs on login through your pi bash_profile that gives you the option of going to the command prompt or starting AD. That way when you open a terminal session, you can easily kickoff AD in one, and have another for coding.

Quite correct - the aim is that this will no longer be the case by the end of the beta but you may be missing error messages that could help me figure out issues.

@turboc So the NaN means “Not A Number” - it’s how some languages express the fact that they are expecting a number but got something else.

What this means to us is that it appears that not all medias players are created equal :wink: This works on my Sonos and is indeed supposed to be the volume. To fix the NaN error and the fact that it isn;t controlling, I’ll need you to grab some detailed HA log information as you raise and lower the volume and start and stop it from Home Assistant.

Did you figure this out yet?

sure, just let me know what and how. I have about an hour before my flight leaves.

Thanks for documenting that - I will link to it in the original post.

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Just to point out, this is only the case when the media player is idle. When it’s in use, it shows the levels properly.

I have the same on my Cast device. I just kinda ignored it since I knew what it meant but now that @turboc brought it up…

No, as I said I uninstalled it and re-installed it but it makes no difference, I’ll try from scratch again later, atm I’m having a lot of trouble with HA 0.39.3, so I think I might roll back to .38, to see if I can get back to a stable platform :stuck_out_tongue:

Adding that one to the docs :slight_smile:

This is why I try and build open ended things - I love that people come up with ways to use my stuff that I never thought of!