Looks like you’re using my repository If you want to run the dashboard beta builds you’ll need to pull the dash
tag from docker hub.
Can you please tell how to downgrade aiohttp as i installed fresh raspbian and everything again and i am still stuck with the error.
and you run it on a docker on a synology? @mezz64
by the way I have the same results:
Status: Downloaded newer image for mezz64/appdaemon:dash
2017-04-01 07:14:03.852091 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.0beta3 starting
2017-04-01 07:14:03.892392 WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
2017-04-01 07:14:08.924986 WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
$ pip3 install aiohttp==1.2.0
Should do it.
I use unraid not synology, but that shouldn’t make a difference in terms of the error you’re seeing.
Open a bash shell into the container and see if you can ping your Hass IP. Looks like a networking issue to me.
docker exec -it YOUR CONTAINER NAME bash
I’m trying to use only the icon part of the weather widget (I have a 2x3 screen, I can’t afford putting the whole 2x2 widget just for the weather :-)), is there any way to reproduce the icon behavior with the current set of widgets?
(Awesome work with the AppDaemon integration and the whole rewrite, it’s much more convenient! Thanks!)
FWIW, I just spun up an x86 Appdaemon image I’m working on on my Synology and it worked fine out of the gate. I do not use SSL on my HASS URL and I dont need to use a key either because of trusted IPs, so I dont know, even though we’ve talked about the certs dir being shared I still wonder if it’s an SSL failure.
(But I totally agree with dropping into a bash and poking around! Could be some basic networking failure that isn’t obvious to us in our environments)
Edit: how do you handle name resolution in your LAN environment?
you could try setting the fontsize smaller.
you have a 360x240 pixel screensize, but you can also use 90x120 as widgetsize to create a 4x2 screen.
or a 90x60 widget to create 4x4
with the default settings that woudnt work, bur with css in the widgets you can set smaller icons and smaller fonts.
Regarding name resolution on LAN, using dnsmasq as DHCP server/DNS relay is really useful.
I can’t reduce font size a lot: the screen is pretty small, and the density is bad. The goal is to be able to read it from a long distance, so default sizes are really good for that. There’s no way I can fit the 4x4 weather widget in what is currently a 1x1 slot.
@mezz64 @quadportnick
root@DSM01:~# docker exec -it appdaemon bash
root@c2826581a536:/usr/src/app# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.166 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.145 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.112 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.096 ms
it work… so basically I need to run it without the SSL certs
For dns resolution I use my router fritzbox
if you want only the icon then there is not a widget for that (yet)
you could use a sensor widget and give it to you in text.
That’s what I did for now, I just wanted to be sure. Thanks!
Heh I don’t know why I blanked on you using IPs anyhow. The DNS question didn’t matter.
Clarifying, did you say it worked without SSL enabled?
I have a lot of battery powered sensors and i would like to make a dashboard panel to show it nicely.
It would be awesome if we could have multiple icons based on the sensor value.
I don’t know if it easy to make or already doable in some way. i’m just throwing it in here.
Definitely doable at some point, I’ll add it to the list.
Yes wihout SSL enabled on homeassistant it work!!
If I enable SSl on homeassistant Appdaemon can’t connect to homeassistant… don’t know why… maybe a SSL problem… @aimc any idea?
n:dashomeassistant/config/conf:/conf --net=host --name appdaemon mezz64/appdaemo
2017-04-03 12:15:28.073417 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.0beta3 starting
2017-04-03 12:15:33.106827 WARNING ‘elevation’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-04-03 12:15:33.107485 WARNING ‘latitude’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-04-03 12:15:33.154107 WARNING ‘longitude’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-04-03 12:15:33.154609 WARNING ‘time_zone’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-04-03 12:15:33.878618 INFO Got initial state
2017-04-03 12:15:33.881864 INFO Loading Module: /conf/apps/hello.py
2017-04-03 12:15:33.910653 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hel
2017-04-03 12:15:34.293345 INFO hello_world: Hello from AppDaemon
2017-04-03 12:15:34.301035 INFO hello_world: You are now ready to run Apps!
2017-04-03 12:15:34.301805 INFO Loading Module: /conf/apps/battery.py
2017-04-03 12:15:34.324736 INFO App initialization complete
2017-04-03 12:15:34.326555 INFO Starting dashboard
2017-04-03 12:15:34.351880 INFO Connected to Home Assistant 0.41.0
2017-04-03 12:15:34.369004 INFO HADashboard Started
2017-04-03 12:15:34.369857 INFO Listening on (‘’, 5050)
I don’t know if this is possible but right now I have a bunch of sensor and binary sensors separately showing values and trends. This is a huge waste of space so if it’s possible to show the value AND trend (up or down) in the same widget that would really be helpful.
Can you do that exec bash again and ls /certs? Your config says the certs will be there. That might help people who have SSL working to understand if the right stuff is present.
as you wish :-)
root@DSM01:~# docker exec -it appdaemon bash
root@DSM01:/usr/src/app# ls
API.md DASHBOARD.md LICENSE.md TUTORIAL.md images setup.py
CLA.md Dockerfile MANIFEST.in appdaemon requirements.txt
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md HISTORY.md README.md conf scripts
root@DSM01:/usr/src/app# ls /certs
cert.pem chain.pem privkey.pem