Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta3!

I added a space between the comma and clock(2x1) but it didnt make a difference. Any other ideas?

Well, itā€™s happy now :slight_smile:
I did couple times it did worked as expected but yesterday it didnā€™t at all for many tries.
Only difference I did today was added log and error files for AppDaemon as I lost that session from putty and couldnā€™t see after adding those two logs entry to AppDaemon.cfg I had to restart and in fact I restarted everything including rPi so HA and AppDaemon.
All working now.

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Looks like an error in the JavaScript - can you open up your Javascript console and see what it says? (Ctrl-shift-i on chrome may be different on other browsers)

jquery-3.1.1.min.js:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to process binding ā€œattr: function (){return {style:time_style} }ā€
Message: time_style is not defined
at attr (eval at parseBindingsString (knockout-3.4.1.js:68), :3:103)
at update (knockout-3.4.1.js:86)
at function.a.B.i (knockout-3.4.1.js:72)
at Function.Qc (knockout-3.4.1.js:51)
at Function.Rc (knockout-3.4.1.js:51)
at Function.aa (knockout-3.4.1.js:50)
at Object.a.m.a.B (knockout-3.4.1.js:49)
at knockout-3.4.1.js:72
at Object.q (knockout-3.4.1.js:11)
at m (knockout-3.4.1.js:71)

the value is updated fine.
but if the value is 18 and you set it to 21 with HA it shows 21 in the dashboard.
so far goes everything fine.
then you try to set it to 22 with the dashboard and it goes to 19.
so it seems it keeps the old value as basevalue in the background.

Are you using a skin at all?

In my custom skin variables.yaml, I have a line like this.

variables.yaml:clock_time_style: ā€œ$textblur; font-weight: 900; font-style: boldā€

No skin, just default at the moment.

go to your equivalent of the following directory


then grep for time
grep time .

it should return
variables.yaml:clock_time_style: ā€œcolor: $purpleā€

It should find it in the variables.yaml file.

well i had to grep variables.yaml directly but it did show the same as you have listed above

oh, the asterisks got wiped by the editor. Sorry.

Try specifying skin=default on the address line.

doesnt change anything, still the same

You are straining my brain. I like it. Having that in variables should set the value for Java to find unless something is overriding it somewhere. Try specifying simplyred as the skin name and see if it makes any difference in what shows on the screen?

OK, thanks I see the same now you have described it so well - Iā€™ll fix it :slight_smile:


Ok, i tried the simplyred skin and same results.

OK, fixed!


Can you post the contents of ~/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/appdaemon/widgets/clock.yaml please.

That was it, for some reason time_style was commented out. Not sure how that happened, but i uncommented it and everything is working now.

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Is there a way to configure the alarm panel such that if we donā€™t need to enter a code that it will work? I canā€™t seem to get it to work unless I use a code. I am using the manual_alarm from HASS.

I have had some time out of playing with HA and the dashboard. Man it was hard to find this thread after all the others were in the HADashboard category and this is in the Appdaemon category!

Anyway, glad to find it, update HADash and see everything in my uncomplicated setup working fine. As always, thanks to all involved.


Hello awesome work have read all the threads since beta 1. One quick question can I install all of this on the pi I have hass raspien installed on? Version 41