Announcing MQTT/Android bridging app: Zanzito. Beta testers wanted!

do you have a username/password configured on your MQTT? Did you have to insert them into configuration.yaml in HA? If yes, they are the same you have to put in Zanzito and Paho client preferences, otherwise leave them blank.


yes, now I am connected … but nothing inside…

Under “subscription” press the “+” sign, write the sensor topic, clic outside the text field, then press “Subscribe”

I guess like this …

I passed through the PIR and nothing changed

Ok, so maybe that is why Zanzito doesn’t say anything. I suspect your script doesn’t publish properly to the MQTT broker. Can you see your sensor in HA frontend? Does it toggle?

I checked now. Is not changing (but it was before I changed the mqtt publish)

Ok, try to get it working on HA. mqtt.publish serves to publish something on a topic, that should be already covered by your python script.

In HA it works (the binary_sensor is triggered), but in the Eclipse mqtt program it shows nothing …???

That’s weird. You need to check every step, making sure that the infos are always the same: there’s no reason why HA receives the messages from the sensor and the Paho client does not, unless there’s something wrong with the topics, I guess.


Now it seems to work in Eclipse MQtt is hsows ON.

But in Zanzito, no

Type in Zanzito has to be text?

Yes, type text and the same topic. Does Zanzito connects to the server at all?

how to verify this?

Zanzito main notification should read “Connected”, also you can check the logs (menu-> View logs)

In manin menu on bottom left is red and written Connection. In menu/view logs, is empty

So, it’s not connected.
Tap on the Image, in the main screen or press “Start” in the notification: the led near “connection” should become green.
If that doesn’t work, try exiting the app (press Back button and confirm exit) and re-launch. Also, check the server configuration.

Ohh tap the image, I tapped now is connected.

A suggestion from a newb: make it more clear:

  • not tapping an image, but like a button where is written, TAP TO CONNECT
  • when is not connected write NOT CONNECTED in bottom left,
  • and when connected write CONNECTED)

It works! Thanks

How to send the value of the battery (or other values) of the smartphone to mqtt (and then hass)??

:+1: Glad we sorted it out. I will consider your suggestions about the user interface, thanks!
In any case, everything is explained in the manual :wink: