Another component for ZiGate

Ok I can confirm that this is not the state polling the issue, but it looks like this new feature accelerate the appearance of the bug.
First time I had the issue I was on 0.29.11.

Could you share le last ā€œRaw received packetā€ from your log ?

Could you try to send a raw command 0x0011 to see if itā€™s working again ?

Sorry I had no time today for this.
Iā€™ll retry the update tomorrow and see if the problem come back even with lower temperatures.
Zigate creator think this could comr from the USB adapter

Just tested latest version this morning and for me itā€™s not working.
Each time hass refresh all zigate devices I canā€™t send orders anymore and have to wait few seconds.

I have to control several lights together, and so far I tested:

  • I define a group in HA: it works but there is a delay between each light reaction,
  • I define a group in the Zigbee network using the service zigate.add_group: it works perfectly but I have no entity representing that group.

Is there a way to create a ā€œlightā€ entity representing the zigbee group in HA?

Why do you need that ?
If Iā€™m correct now your light are in a group so if you turn one of them on, all of them turn on ?
So you only need to use the entity of one of these lights ?

Hmm no if I turn on one light only this light turns on. When I create the group I set a group addr (ā€œ0abcā€ for instance). Then I must use this addr in the Zigate services to control the group.

If I could have one light in HA representing this group I could use the HA light service directly. Itā€™s not a big deal but I would like to use a Circadian light component on this group but as itā€™s not a ā€œlightā€ I cannot use it.

Oh great you still can control single light even if they are in a zigbee group.
It looks obvious now, you have two adresses one for group and one for light.
It could be trick to manage because you could have for example a group of 3 lights, you turn them on with the group adress then you turn them off one by one with the light adress.
So hass still think that the group is on but the tree lights are off.

Thatā€™s why I was expecting that group adresses where executed even if you command a single light of the group.

Hi all,
Iā€™m quite new to HASS.
I configured the zigate, and paired a few elements.
Everything is working fine, except for a Tradfri (
When I launch zigate.discover_device on it, I get the following in the logs:
WARNING (SyncWorker_18) [zigate] No template found for TRADFRI_bulb_E27_WS_opal_1000lm

Thanks in advance for your help !

@doudz have you tested the new firmware with your lib?

not tested yet, but should work

This is not an error, just an information, templates are not always needed

Hi @biau,
Itā€™s working fine with 3.1a for me,
I had a problem with APS data failed response not decoding, but @doudz has already fixed library and plugin.

Thanks for your feed back. Will try the update soon but actually Iā€™ve everything running fine with version 0.29.x . I think Iā€™ll wait to be able for disabling auto polling from lib.
Just in case my zigate overheat again.

All my devices was paired with a pre version or 3.0f, then upgrading to 3.0f final without problem. When i upgraded to 3.1a, i lost half of my devices. I was able to pair them again, but unable to control them. I had to fully reset pdm to make all devices working again.
Maybe you wonā€™t have this problem, but it could happen.

OK :sweat_smile:

still on 3.0f but Iā€™ve upgraded to latest version of the lib and tried the new config
polling: false

Working fine, no refresh loop in logs and nothing laggy.

BTW donā€™t know if you were looking after that but it looks like next hass version will authorize config flows with custom components.

I havenā€™t seen that, thanks

Hi eveyrone,

Iā€™m having trouble removing my Ikea bulbs from the zigate.
I tempered a little bit with them yesterday, reseting them (same spot bar) to have one go trough the xiaomi gateway and since then, they donā€™t respond anymore in HA. They do appear, I can toggle them on and off but nothing happens.
So I tried to remove them and to add them back but I canā€™t even get rid of them.
I first removed it I tried the remove device service in the dev tool, I tried removing them in the zigate.json but they keep coming back and still donā€™t work.
I tried to reseting them (6x turn on and off), they reapearing in the zigate deviced list with original name (but same adr).
And in the end, still donā€™t work.

Any idea?

Iā€™ve also a long list of weird Ikea lumi, temp and Y sensors that have been added. I assume this goes with those bulbs but is there a way to check? (I have other bulbs that it might come from).

Finally, is there a way to turn off the auto discovery temporarily, the time for me to run some tests?

Thanks in advance

Edit : Iā€™m running a very recent version since Iā€™m all new to this and installed the stuff a week ago.