(Another) Frigate Question

Any ideas? Yesterday, all four cameras were visible on the Computers tab. Today only one. Each camera is visible if I click on a camera. Any tips or ideas why? (For info, the Driveway camera is an Amcrest and the rest are Wyze3 with RTSP).

check the logs

each camera on a static ip? did you fiddle with settings? have you tried a reboot?

This is the only thing on these cameras:

2023-06-13 18:07:08.124741280 14:07:08.124 ERR github.com/AlexxIT/go2rtc/cmd/streams/producer.go:53 > error="exec: exit status 1" url=ffmpeg:rtsp_cam#audio=opus

What difference does a static IP make? The blacked cameras are visible when I click on one, so Frigate knows the camera IP.

Settings: The last change I made was to add

  order: x

to put them in the sequence I want them on the Frigate UI page. Worked fine yesterday.

Reboot or restart? I have restarted a few times, but I have not rebooted the host.

As I said, yesterday I could see all four cameras when I opened the “Frigate” tab, today only one.

Then you need to enable go2rtc trace logs

    exec: trace

Thanks- that fixed it. But, why? I can’t find

   exec: trace

anywhere in the documentation.

This would not have fixed your initial issue, all it does is add more logging to the go2rtc side of things.

As far as why it isn’t in frigate docs, that is because it is a go2rtc config and it would be redundant for frigate to copy go2rtc docs and try to keep up to date. The go2rtc docs are linked all over the frigate docs.

Would not or should not? Yes, it struck me as odd that adding a log parameter would make those cameras live on the Cameras tab again. Just coincidence? Editing, saving and restarting, maybe did it? (But I tried that earlier).

Not duplicating go2rc docs makes sense.

Now if I could only get my Wyse3 RTSP cameras to show in the Frigate card.

yes, that would be the only thing that would fix it.

Nope- not fixed. Came back after dinner and saw two cameras blacked out.

UPDATE- I see that you are responding on Git to someone else with exactly the same issue.
The log file entries below is FYI.

Log files: (Removed the date for readability)
18:28:33 watchdog.porch         INFO    : No frames received from porch in 20 seconds. Exiting ffmpeg...
18:28:33 watchdog.porch         INFO    : Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...
18:28:38 frigate.video          ERROR   : porch: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.
18:28:38 frigate.video          ERROR   : porch: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
18:28:43 frigate.record         WARNING : Discarding a corrupt recording segment: /tmp/cache/porch-20230613182835.mp4
18:28:48 watchdog.porch         ERROR   : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for porch.
18:28:48 watchdog.porch         ERROR   : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit.
18:28:48 ffmpeg.porch.detect    ERROR   : [h264 @ 0x5598668ed940] error while decoding MB 32 45, bytestream -17
18:28:48 ffmpeg.porch.detect    ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
18:28:48 ffmpeg.porch.detect    ERROR   : rtsp:// corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
18:28:48 ffmpeg.porch.detect    ERROR   : [rtsp @ 0x55986678fc40] RTP: PT=60: bad cseq 632e expected=5232
18:30:38 ffmpeg.porch.record    ERROR   : [rtsp @ 0x55fd32b4bd40] RTP: PT=60: bad cseq da9f expected=f8b8
18:30:38 ffmpeg.porch.record    ERROR   : [segment @ 0x55fd32b60b00] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
18:30:38 ffmpeg.porch.record    ERROR   : [rtsp @ 0x55fd32b4bd40] RTP: PT=60: bad cseq 7d02 expected=dbe0
18:30:38 ffmpeg.porch.record    ERROR   : rtsp:// Connection timed out
18:30:38 watchdog.porch         INFO    : Terminating the existing ffmpeg process...
18:30:38 watchdog.porch         INFO    : Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...
18:31:08 watchdog.porch         INFO    : porch exceeded fps limit. Exiting ffmpeg...

Apologies if this is a duplication.

This started when I tried to get ahead of the future depreciation of rtmp. When I went back to my frigate.yml from a few days ago, everything is working again.

It would be best to not use the restream as a source for the frigate cameras section

It would be best to not use the restream as a source for the frigate cameras section

isn’t reducing connections to the camera better? just curious (sorry to thread hi-jack)

In general yes, but not if the camera in question has poor h264 / rtsp implementation which causes problems

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As the OP- please add to the thread. I’ve taken Nick down so many rabbit-holes with stupid questions, but I have learned from his comments here and on Github.

Bottom line, I am pleased with Frigate. The only thing not working right is the Frigate Card. But that’s another thread.