I was able to add d1 mini, magnetic sensor/switch and dual relay (one for up and other for down), using tasmota.
All of the above are seen as switchs. up and down with 1 sec relay activation’s, and magnetic sensor will report switch ON when garage is closed.
Everything is OK in HA and MQTT, but they are displayed as switchs and not cover.
I need to change this to cover, so google assistant can also see this as cover.
How do I convert 2 switches as cover up and down, and magnetic switch as status sensor?
POWER2 - Down
POWER3 - Magnetic sensor (only need status on this one)
Do I have to convert this with scripts and make call services: MQTT publish and send “ON” to topic /PortaGaragem/POWER1-2 = ON and ask for stat/PortaGaragem/POWER3 ?