Another Heating Control

Hi guys,

do you also face issues with the new upgrade to 2022.4.0+?

My heating automation did not work anymore. It stucks at the last step of the decision tree. In any case it’s not heating anymore, when I open and close the window. Even in the morning it was freaking cold…

It stucks here for me in the debugging window. Means all the time the last step is not marked in yellow, as the previous steps of the automation

service: climate.set_temperature
  entity_id: climate.heizung_wohnzimmer
  hvac_mode: heat
  temperature: '{{ set_temp }}'

I did a rollback and now it works again. Also I’ve opened a bug ticket.

Can anyone confirm please?

I do have the same Problem. But in general I startet with this automation and have in general Problem with this.

  1. I use climate_group and have the same Problem you describe. If i use a thermostat without group it is working. If I use a group I have the Problem you described.
    I solved this to change it to:
    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        entity_id: !input 'heating'
        hvac_mode: heat
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: !input 'heating'
        temperature: '{{ set_temp }}'

But Back to my Problem, maybe you can help me. I do not understand the Parameter min. Temp.
In myy opinion this should be name to max. Temp. I understand this automation, that this is working below the min. Temperatur. Above the “min. Temp.” It will switch to energy Saving Mode. Is this correct?


okay… Let me explain maybe all three values.

Energy Temperature: This is the temperature the thermostat will keep, even if you’re not at home. For example to prevent any mold on the walls and of course too high humidity.
Min Temperature: If the temperature is below that, the heating will turn on and will go up to the temperature which is set under Temperature Target
Temperature Target: This will be your Target Temperature. So either way it will go from Energy Temperature or Min Temperature to this level, when you are home.

That means basically that the temperature is usually between Min Temperature and Target Temperature.

Hope this makes it a little more clear.

Due to the fact of the changes of the behavior with not supported functions, I needed to change the code for the Eurotronic devices to work again.
Ref: Raise if referenced entity does not support service by balloob · Pull Request #68394 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Can be found here: Home Assistant Blueprint For Heating · GitHub

There is also another fix because of new Aqara Window Sensors…

Excellent!! I’m going to modify this to use with my AC not my heat. My heat is all setup by the internal schedule in the thermostat and I rarely touch it so I’m all set there but my AC… tried all last summer to get it working correctly and I believe this will do it!! :slight_smile: Thank you!

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Hmm,… i don’t think this works like in your description. Target Temperature will never be reached, if it takes longer than a minute. Your Blueprint will check every minute the Temperature. If Min Temperatur is reached, it will stay there, or?

With this blueprint we take over your heating.
You can set a minimum temperature value, If the
temperature is below this value it checks if somebody is home, And if that’s true
it will start heating to the value you set in the target temperature setting.

And you can set a time range, So that the climate device won’t start heating in the middle off the night.

i understand that blueprint, your original makes sense and works well, but i don’t think @f4stb00t fork works like he was explaining. The “Target Temperatur” from his Fork will never be reached. His addition are greate, but the “Target Temperature” is useless :smiley:

I might have a mistake here? Let’s see.



  • choose:
    • conditions:
      • condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: !input ‘temp_sensor’
        below: !input ‘min_temp’
      • condition: time
        before: !input ‘time_before’
        after: !input ‘time_after’
      • condition: state
        entity_id: !input ‘window_sensor_1’
        state: ‘off’
      • condition: not
        • condition: state
          entity_id: !input ‘groupname’
          for: !input ‘group_presence’
          state: not_home
      • service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: !input ‘heating’
        hvac_mode: heat
        temperature: ‘{{ set_temp }}’
    • conditions:
      • condition: state
        entity_id: !input ‘window_sensor_1’
        state: ‘on’
      • service: climate.set_hvac_mode
        hvac_mode: ‘off’
        entity_id: !input ‘heating’
    • service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: !input ‘heating’
      temperature: ‘{{ energy_temp }}’
      mode: single

means basically the heating will start if the conditions are met. If the temperature is below the min_temp, you are available, window closed, … it will heat to set_temp. If all is not met, then go saving energy.

But well… Since you wrote here. Maybe also others read. Because since the upgrade in April, I have issues that I cannot use the blueprints anymore.

After some time my devices are not responding anymore. Like when opening windows, or coming back after x time… I have no clue why. Opened also a ticket on github, as it seems after this upgrade several other people had issues with some devices. Unfortunately noone responded.

Only removing the battery and put it back helps.
Also only playing with the buttons within the GUI does not break anything.
When I just create automations I have no issues as all.

Any ideas?

yes, but also if the temperature is OVER the min_temp (doen’t matte if set_temp is reached) and one of the actions are trigger (homeasstant start, automation_reloaded or every minute), the temperature will be set to energy_temp.

so in the most cases, the temperature goes over min_temp and a minute late the automation falls back to energy_temp.
i my eyes the “set_temp” makes no differences, or am i wrong?

You have to change the hvac_mode by its own. it can’t be set with the temperature:

          - service: climate.set_temperature
              entity_id: climate.buro_heizung_bt
              temperature: '{{ set_temp }}'
          - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
              entity_id: climate.buro_heizung_bt
              hvac_mode: heat

like in line 130 to 138 Home Assistant Blueprint For Heating · GitHub

Thanks for the blueprint.

How would I use the blueprint when only one person is relevant for a specific room?
Looks like the default for [] will always be “home” if I am not mistaken.

Help would be highly appreciated.

I had never issues with that. But I will recheck when I get this working again. Because like said, my heatingdevices kinda give up after the change of HA itself. I will try to split the command into pieces

What I dont get with your blueprint is that there are no services called:
- service: better_thermostat.restore_saved_target_temperature
- service: better_thermostat.set_temp_target_temperature

So you must have created them on your own. Can you share?

I’ve just tried it with your suggestion. After the automation kicks in, the device I tested it with just was not reachable anymore. So I could not control it anymore at all. Either way I restart the device itself or homeassistant to fix this.

So still, I cannot use this blueprint anymore. It is even not clear what changed in HomeAssistant after upgrade to HA higher than 2022.4.0.

I really like HA and also the coders do a great job. But basically do this changes without further notice and there is noone able to pinpoint the issue and fix it… really bad…

Oh, that ones i added by my own, to get it work with Better Thermostat and Better Thermostat UI from HACS.

Your Bluepring works fine for me in a simple way, but “set_temp” is still useless in that automation.
The main part i added, to get your blueprint work for me, was to set the temperature and the hvac mode separately.