I know there’s an official thing doing the rounds so this is probably fairly good timing.
There’s a lot of threads on here with people complaining emulated_hue isn’t working, so I thought I’d share something that happened yesterday to hopefully assist people.
I use input_booleans in HA which trigger automations from Alexa. I use the routines function in the Alexa app to customize the command, so for example I’ve got a routine that reacts to “Alexa, it’s bedtime”, and when I gruffly exclaim that at night the echo dot hears it, runs the routine which just turns on an input boolean called bedtime mode, which then fires the associated automations.
Up until the other day I had lights, input_boolean and switches exposed to emulated_hue and everything was ticketyboo, until I wanted a new routine for Alexa. I added the new input_boolean, restarted HA, and scanned for new devices in Alexa.
No new devices found.
Long story short, the reason for the new routine was I’d added a load of new remote control codes to the broadlink and I wanted to shout something like “Alexa, who’s outside” and the telly would switch on to the cctv and it would all be magical.
Now, when I added all these remote control codes they all appear in HA as switches, so my emulated_hue conf file thing was exposing like a million buttons, I’ve now removed ‘switch’ and am only exposing my lights and input booleans and it’s back to normal working order.
TL;DR - if Alexa isn’t picking up your emulated_hue devices, reduce the amount you’re exposing because if you have a lot it ain’t gonna work.