Another unable to view camera in HaDashboard post

Sorry to be a pain, but looking for some help to implement another raspberry pi camera into Hadashboard. I have one already installed and working, but unable to get the other one to show up. Both Pi cameras have motioneye installed and can be viewed from their interfaces, able to view both cameras in the built in lovelace UI. I,m running appdaemon and Hassio 0.107.
Configuration yaml

  - platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://ip addr of camera1:8081/
    name: frontdoor
  - platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://ip addr of camera2:8081/
    name: street

in my dashboard folder I have this
  widget_type: camera
  title: Frontdoor
  base_url: http://ip addr of camera1:8081
  refresh: 10
  aspect_ratio: 85%
  widget_type: camera
  title: Garden
  base_url: http://ip addr of camera2:8081
  entity: camera.street
  refresh: 10
  aspect_ratio: 85%

can anyone point me in the right direction

Look at the docs here

base_url should be the url of your home assistant instance, i.e. and not the url of your pi camera. The widget retrieves the camera image/stream from home assistant and not directly from the camera.

also, aspect_ratio is not an option for the widget.

To get a live camera stream instead of still images, add stream: "on" to the widget definition.

A valid widget would look like this:
  widget_type: camera
  title: Frontdoor
  base_url: http://192.168.xx.xx:8123 # add your actual HA url
  stream: "on"  # The double quotes around "on" are needed to prevent yaml from translating on to true.

If you for some reason want to retreive the camera stream directly from the camera, you can use an iframe widget instead. See here:

Thank you so much. What you suggested works and explaining that the widget gets the stream from HA. My mistake not reading the docs fully. I,m forever in your debt. Thanks once again. P.S. Sorry for the late reply

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