I guess if you set up an account in their app before EOD tomorrow, you can be “grandfathered in”, but otherwise, they want to charge $2/month for remote control & monitoring of your Sous Vide.
They also say they’re also dropping “connectivity” from BT & BT/WiFi models: https://support.anovaculinary.com/hc/en-us/articles/27322197681165-The-Original-Anova-Precision-Cooker-Bluetooth-Bluetooth-WIFI-remote-connectivity-sunsetting
This will probably at least partially break the existing integration.
(Ross Dargan)
Very frustrating. I was hoping the bluetooth integration would be able to connect but it’s not looking like it.
WTF! Anova integration stopped working too now it seems?!
No local API so now this ca not be used with Home Assistant without paid subscribtion.