Anova BLE control via BLE Proxy

I have successfully setup BLE proxy via 3 EP1 sensors in my home. I confirmed that each EP1 was proxying BLE traffic via the logs.

One device I really wanted to integrate into HA is my Anova sous vide cooker.

I added the correct YAML code to my EP1 sensor closest to my kitchen:

    active: true

  active: true

- mac_address: 34:03:DE:20:04:49
  id: my_anova

- platform: anova
  name: "My Anova stick"
  ble_client_id: my_anova
  unit_of_measurement: c
  update_interval: 10s

The “My Anova Stick” device was created and added to HA successfully. However I cant control it at all.


Any inputs to this device will just revert back to “Off” and 32°
When I try to issue a command nothing happens.

I’ve restarted HA, turned the Anova off and on again, added the same YAML code to the other EP1s I have in the house. I uninstalled the Anova app off my phone, because the ESPhome docs say you cant use both at once, restarted the nearest EP1 and created a switch inside ESPhome to toggle the connection to see if that would work:

  - platform: restart
    name: "Anova ESP Restart"
  - platform: ble_client
    ble_client_id: my_anova
    name: "Anova ESP Bluetooth Connection"

I pulled up a laptop and turned on debug logs for the EP1 device near the cooker and every command I sent, off, increase or decrease temperature, resulted in the error copied from the logs:

[14:36:31][D][climate:010]: 'My Anova stick' - Setting
[14:36:31][D][climate:014]:   Mode: HEAT
[14:36:31][W][anova:041]: [34:03:DE:20:04:49] esp_ble_gattc_write_char failed, status=259

I searched esp_ble_gattc_write_char failed and wasn’t able to find anything useful to resolve my issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

FWIW, I had a similar problem with adding the anova to a bluetooth proxy in my house. I could get it to connect and show up, but that was about it. I’m curious what the solve is, though it’s no longer critical to me. I’ve locally integrated a wifi inkbird sous vide and that works for me atm.

Thanks for info, I’ll keep Inkbird in mind if decide to move away from Anova.

Doesn’t appear that Joule has been integrated into HA either.

Which devices from ANOVA are actually supported via BLE? I don’t want to spend time building my own sous vide machine.

Hi @iebooker sorry to drag up an old thread but I was wondering how you found your MAC address. I am not currently seeing it when I use the scanner but maybe it doesn’t have a name?

I’m not totally sure to be honest. Its been a while since I was messing around with this. It might have either popped up in the BLE logs of the EP1 or via my espresence sensors. If it wasn’t those 2 options it was probably my phone (maybe the Anova app), or some other BLE scanning app. I don’t have it handy currently to test out. Sorry, I couldn’t be more helpful.