Anova: Request an additional sensor to display: Cook Finish Time

The Anova integration has multiple sensors including duration for timed cooks

However it’s missing one useful sensor: End time

I created one manually in templates.yaml, but it would be handy to have it part of the core integration
Below are a couple sensors to convert minutes to H:M for a nicer disaply on the dashboard
(I’m sure it could be written better, but this is what I have)

For the feature request example, see: anova_finishing_time

- sensor:
    - name: anova_cook_total
      unique_id: 6b2212ef9c8b-1ed5-40a2-a65d-6b2212ef9c8b
      icon: mdi:clock
      state: "{% set anovatot = states('sensor.anova_precision_cooker_cook_time')|int %}{{ anovatot | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}"
    - name: anova_cook_remaining
      unique_id: 498e8c5efe8c-7d95-448e-a01b-498e8c5efe8c
      icon: mdi:clock
      state: "{% set anovatot = states('sensor.anova_precision_cooker_cook_time_remaining')|int %}{{ anovatot | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}"
    - name: anova_finishing_time
      unique_id: 2830cdbd00cb-c0ad-4427-ad66-2830cdbd00cb
      icon: mdi:clock
      state: "{{(as_timestamp(now()) + (states('sensor.anova_precision_cooker_cook_time_remaining')| float ()))| timestamp_custom('%H:%M')}}"

Example display on dashboard with End Time included:

type: conditional
  - entity: sensor.anova_precision_cooker_mode
    state_not: unavailable
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.anova_precision_cooker_mode
          state_color: true
          name: Anova
          icon: mdi:chef-hat
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.anova_precision_cooker_target_temperature
          name: Target Temp
        - type: entity
          entity: sensor.anova_precision_cooker_water_temperature
          name: Water Temp
    - type: conditional
        - entity: sensor.anova_cook_remaining
          state_not: '00:00'
        type: horizontal-stack
          - type: entity
            entity: sensor.anova_cook_total
            name: TotalCook
          - type: entity
            entity: sensor.anova_cook_remaining
            name: Remain
          - type: entity
            entity: sensor.anova_finishing_time
            name: Ending

Pretty hard to convince people to add a feature that is available via a simple template.

I can’t speak for others, but I personally appreciate the convenience of the information in a readable way from install without having to customise it.