Any AI that can help me out with creating good YAML?


Oof, seems like my project ended before it truly began, I might have to go through Arduino IDE instead.
Thanks for that valuable bit of information.

I think you’re misunderstanding what @walberjunior meant It’s not a limitation of ESPHome, but rather the device/sensor; it’s a reader only.

The Data Sheet does state writing capabilities.

This document describes the functionality and electrical specifications of the contactless reader/writer MFRC522

That’s a different component from the RC522 mentioned previously. Guessing it doesn’t have write capabilities while the MFRC522 does.

Strange, for Arduino there are examples of clone and read/write, but for Esphome I didn’t even find a request to implement the function

I don’t think so, on the Esphome page itself there is a link to the same datasheet as Royeiror posted

Or am I missing something

No idea, all I know is a simple Google search for RC522 shows a bunch of devices that only advertise reading capability whereas searching for MFRC522 yields devices advertising read/write capabilities. Never used any of them though.

The board I actually own has RFID-RC522 silkscreened on it and coincides with THIS data sheet, it seems like it might be that they don’t advertise writing capabilities while in fact it has them. I don’t really know, In any case my rotary encoder seems to bring the screen down, so I’m stuck there.

It does seem like I got a workable Arduino sketch out of ChatGPT if only the encoder didn’t turn the built in OLED screen off. Hardware issue, not software.