Any chance of a tip jar to donate using Apple credit instead of Patreon?

I vaguely remember seeing Tip Jar appear briefly in the beta app (but it didn’t work).
Any chance of it reappearing? Don’t really want to use Patreon as I’m not in USA, and am too picky with my money to be ok with random (depending on current AUD worth) amounts being charged to my credit card each month.

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Same here. I thought it was supposed to be in v2.0 but I can’t find it. I was going to donate today now the app is released.

I think Robbie removed this because Apple’s review hung on that multiple times.

There’s still patreon…

Yeah. No thanks.

Same here. Looking also for a one-time donation / tip / you name it, but cannot find it. I would like to avoid Patreon, for the same reasons explained above by @PodPerson.