Any idea to touch a touch screen remotely?

Hi there,

I have a coffee maker with a touchscreen. Is there anything to simulate a human finger to controll it remotely?

Maybe one of these with a touch screen stylus nubbin attached?

It is bluetooth though.

Would be an Idea but it would hide other touch “buttons”.
The Touchscreen has a layout of 3x3 buttons. And I need to controll the one in the middle.

You’re not going to find anything that won’t block the buttons.

Get one of those arms that build cars. :grin:

I think your best option is to open it up and see what you can do from the inside.

That’s why we got kids … to be(come) lazy

Someday I had the idea to have a lego robot sitting on my coffee maker holding a tablet to have a control panel in my kitchen. Maybe something octopus like so he could control the touchscreen :smiley: but I thought it would be too crazy. But maybe it’s the best solution(feeling not professional enough to play with inside electronics).

Depending on the technology of the touchscreen, just pushing it with anything won’t help, even if you figure out the mechanical part:

IF you do end up with the switchbot, then don’t use the native bluetooth integration of HA, use this one instead:

acceptable answer but why use home assistant when you can just tell your kids to turn off the lights :laughing: