Any plans to add NPM?

any plans to add the tool npm to so people can install addons to homebridge

This is not something that should do. Instead it’s something that the Homebridge add-on should do. And since homebridge uses Node I’m pretty sure npm is already installed.

I haw homebridge add-on installed but when I login to and write command npm it respons
1026bd88dbdb:~# npm
-ash: npm: not found

do hass add-ons run in a sandbox?

Host OS
Hostname hassio
Type resinos
OS GNU/Linux
Host Control version 0.8
Latest available version 0.8

Version 0.36
Beta channel false
Latest available version 0.36

Home Assistant
Current version 0.46.1
Latest version 0.46.1

They do indeed. We use docker. The addon author defines what is available inside their sandbox