Any Pushover Benefits over nabucasa?

Hi all I’ve been using nabucasa for about a year now with, for control and notifications if I’m out of the house . Last week I came across pushover and have started the trail, my question is , are there any benefits of using pushover for notifications over nabucasa


Supporting homeassistant :moneybag::+1:

I would still have nabucasa anyway

Though I am a long time Nabucasa user, I have not used it for notification. So I can not compare it with Pushover, that said, I have used Pushover for my notification from Home Assistant and other programs for a number of years and I am very pleased with it notifying to iOS and WatchOS in the Apple world.

It’s Pushovers whole job, notification. For the one time USD 5 charge, it is a good tool to have in your quiver. If something really goes south, for example a home water leak, you want to know you are notified. Pushover’s ability to force through a notification even if you device is set to ignore everything is an example of this, also it’s function to repeat notification until you acknowledge them.

Good hunting!

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A benefit would be it’s cheaper. A disadvantage would be that it doesn’t work when internet is down. Nabu casa alerts can work over WiFi without internet.

The OP ask, included the following requirement.

@neilbrookins I’m not sure how you see NabuCasa being able to handle this if a internet connection is not available. Or any service for that matter.