I am using my own temperature sensors (raspberry pi + DHT22) right now, but would like to transition to commercially available ones. I tried Aeotec Multisensor so far. The major problem with it (and potentiqss lly most other sensors) is that it reacts too slowly to changes of ambient temperature because the enclosure of the device has too high resistance to airflow between environment and the sensor part. Due to this, I cannot use the sensor for climate control. The temp sensor has to either be external (as in my RPI + DHT22 setup) or have really good air flow somehow.
If you guys know or use any such temp sensors (either z-wave or wifi) that react fast, could you please list them?
FYI, I did change the reporting frequency to very high.
Currently contemplating removing ZWave and Zigbee from my life and was wondering how you have the DHT22 sensor set up physically…I’d like to go for something as neat as possible aesthetically and the sensor needs to not be within a Pi case for obvious reasons of temperature accuracy, right?
So did you hide the Pi somewhere and just run a wire to the DHT22 or did you attempt something else?
I’m using a Pi Zero W with a light sensor to provide Lux data to Home Assistant. I purchased inexpensive black plastic cases for the Pi Zero W, hot glued the sensor to the outside of the plastic case, and tucked the excess wire back inside. Just how aesthetically-pleasing an appearance do you require? Is it a matter of WAF or just wanting something much more reliable and self-contained?
Right, the temperature sensor has to be outside Pi. Gluing it to the Pi’s case is not an option since that will affect temperature. So, my DHT22s are dangling on a 5 inch wire coming out of Pi. This looks ugly, but I do not care since I try to have them hidden anyway.
I see…it’s not even a WAF thing, seeing dangling wires irritates me just as much as it does her
The issue is mainly that I’d like to have at least 3 distinct sensors (light/temperature+humidity/motion) and each one has some specific requirements - you can have a case that contains the motion sensor and the Pi (I’ve seen some for sale online), but temperature+humidity have to be physically separate…and I can’t hide everything, since the motion sensor requires line of sight.
What I would really love is a tiny box separate from the Pi’s case, to which I could run the wires for all the sensors and that would have proper holes for each of them, then I could just put the box on a cabinet corner and it would look decent…but as far as I know no such thing exists.
try a 1-wire temperature probe, the one withe metal tip and pigtail (think its the ds18b20)
… just say you want light and humidity. try the bme280 (?) look on (is it) thingverse for a suitable enclosure or commission one, and find a local printer or one of the web hubs