Any self-hosted Kanban board for Home Assistant?

I have found the two for todoist. powertodoist-card and todoist-card. I would like to have a kanban board in Home assistant for chores to do around the house and some other things. However, I would not like to use todoist if possible. I do know that there is a todolist integration. But, I would like it to be in the kanban layout so that I can get in the habit of using it. (work is going to start using them.)

I could self-host kanboard and just add it as an iframe. But, I would love to have something that integrates better so that I could set it up automations with eventually.

Any suggestions?


I’d suggest NextCloud and their app store after trying a trello-like Kanban board a few years ago, but that’s clearly a different software stack.

Are you running HAOS (hard to add), or on a hypervisor (just another tiny VM… :slight_smile: )?

Integrations beyond ical might also be an issue, not for NextCloud itself but for a NextCloud App.

Hi. I am the author of PowerTodoist. I have a suggestion although I don’t think it’s likely a good suggestion :sweat_smile:

My card is a fork from todoist card. A different fork, called LocalToDo, is essentially a transformation of the original todoist card to make it use a local database instead of relying on the Todoist API:

So, basically, if for some reason you are able and willing to go through a lot of work, you could adapt that fork to my code and make my card have a “local” mode. It would definitely be useful. I don’t have time to do it myself, but I believe I would use that mode myself for some things.

You could almost just use that one directly, without involving PowerTodoist, if you didn’t need my extra features… but one of them is quite crucial to the Kanban mode. I get the Kanban effect by using a Swiper card that holds multiple Powertodoist cards, each with its own view. But then I have a simple way to configure things so that checking a task moves it to the next view - without this, the Kanban would be very cumbersome to use, very manual (check task in one card, create it in the next) - not good.

I hope this helps

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I have used NextCloud before and never actually used it for anything. I was hoping maybe something was on Home Assistant directly. Yes, I use HAOS in a VM.

Interesting. I might have to try that out if I can find time.